Teachers for a New Era Project
February 2005
The University of Connecticut
Teachers of a New Era Project
Work Plan
February 2005
The attached work plan describes objectives, activities, benchmarks, and responsible parties associated with the University of Connecticut’s efforts to revamp its teacher education program in order to improve pupil achievement. This work plan covers Years 1 and 2; and sometimes includes activities that will extend into Year 3.
The work plan is organized according to the three TNE design principles, with the following objectives subsumed under principles A – C:*
Principle A: Decisions Driven by Evidence
1. Develop a Pupil Assessment Plan for the TNE Project;
2. Determine how Neag’s current tools, instruments, data, and procedures can be used or modified to fit TNE needs;
3. Engage target stakeholders/ constituencies in assessment initiatives; and
4. Develop K-12 pupil impact studies that examine academic achievement and psychosocial/ environmental influence on learning.
Principle B: Engagement with the Arts and Sciences
1. Establish formal working relationships to engage College of Liberal Arts and Sciences faculty in TNE activities;
2. Align the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences and Neag School of Education curricula with the three TNE design principles to enhance the content knowledge of prospective teachers; 3. Initiate collaboration among the Neag School of Education, the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences, and Connecticut’s public school teachers in order to generate research related to TNE’s three design principles;
4. Retain Honors students entering the Neag School of Education;
5. Create opportunities for Neag students to complete a dual major in education and a content area;
6. Maximize the academic potential of students from diverse backgrounds by providing professional development to faculty and systemically placing teacher candidates in clinical experiences;