Work Samples for Quarter #: __2__
|Quarter 1: August 16th – October 19th |
|Quarter 2: October 23rd – January 17th |
|Quarter 3: January 24th –March 29th |
|Quarter 4: April 2nd – June 15th |
Work Sample Checklist:
← Chart (below) is complete and accurate (paper clipped to the samples)
← PE Log is completed on cavaparent. (goal = 900 minutes, 100 minutes per week.) ← All samples must appear on your Quarter 2/Semester 1 Assignment Sheet.
← All answers on the samples have been graded by the learning coach
← All answers are in the student’s own words. ( Samples must be in student’s own handwriting)
(No Bubble In, Multiple Choices, and No Assessments)
← All samples are originals (no photocopies please) ← Samples have the following information written neatly on the top right center of the front page – only if it is not written elsewhere on the paper. All additional pages must have the student’s information written at the top right hand corner.)
Student First and Last name
STAPLE Date Sample Completed (this must correspond to the date on the OLS) (Do not write in Subject Upper left corner) Unit # and Lesson #
|Subject |Date Completed |Unit Number |Lesson Number |Lesson Title |Score/Grade Please use |
| |Must be during the |This must correspond|This must correspond|or General Topic |the answer keys on the |
| |current quarter (see |with the OLS. |with the OLS. | |OLS to check each answer.|