“The cognitive process is one of the higher mental processes, such as perception, memory, language, problem solving, and abstract thinking.” (Gerrig 233) I’d like to discuss language behaviors in animals. Sue Savage-Rumbaugh conducted research on bonobos, a species of ape that is similar to a chimpanzee and closely related to humans. Kanzi and Mulika are two chimps that were studied during this research. With no training, these chimps acquired meanings of plastic symbols by observing other humans and bonobos using them. Kanzi and Mulika were able to understand spoken English and basic commands. For example, when Sue would tell Kanzi “Take off Sue’s shoe,” he would understand and follow the …show more content…
“Crystallized intelligence is the knowledge a person already acquired, this can be measured by vocabulary, mathematics, and information tests.” (Gerrig 279) Fluid intelligence is the ability to attack complex and abstract problems. I believe we all have both types of intelligence. Some may have one more than others but I do believe they exist in ones mind. In Chapter 10 I will discuss human development across the human life span. “Developmental psychology is the branch of psychology concerned with interaction between physical and psychological processes and with stages of growth from conception throughout the entire life span.” (Gerrig 298) The stages within a life span begin in the prenatal stage; the age period begins at birth and continues into infancy that is the first 18 months. The last stage is late adulthood and the age period is between 65 and