Prior to World War II, the workforce consisted primarily of male workers. During this time, women who participated in the workforce were usually young and unmarried and held clerical and teaching positions--positions which lacked training or opportunity for advancement. As Sharpless and Rury note, approximately 80% of women in the workforce were unmarried: “the vast majority of working women were young, unmarried, and lived with their parents. Work, for all but a small minority, was a supplement to family income. It seldom went beyond a short interim period between adolescence and marriage (3-5 years average)” (324-5). When a working woman was married, she would typically leave the workforce to play the role of the homemaker, while her husband was responsible for financially supporting their household: “For nearly all working-class women, marriage and a family were seen as the most important goals in their lives. Their options for employment and, therefore, the character of their working-class
Cited: Cauchon, Dennis. "Women gain as men lose jobs." USA Today (2009): n