The objective of this study is to understand the direct relation between one of Hofstede’s (2003) four dimensions and the risk of reporting for workplace bullying in employees among various organisational culture. Culture effects on reporting of bullying incidents to management due to authoritative distance between employees and managers, and create dissatisfaction at job even after reporting (Wornham, 2003). Many studies in the area of workplace bullying has been done by researchers focusing on who reported being bullied and others who were observed bullied but, researches where victims were afraid by post reporting effects due to authoritative distance in organisation(s), is very little known. This literature will start by first defining high power distance. Thereafter, risk or fear of reporting for Workplace bullying will be explained via defining workplace bullying and its effects at workplace. Finally, this research will highlight the impact of high power-distance culture in organisations on victim who afraid to report bullying at workplace. Limitations and further research suggestions will be provided in conclusion.
High power distance (PD)
Hofstede’s (1991) definition created a logical base to understand PD, “The extent to which the less powerful members of institutions and organizations within a country expect and accept that power is distributed unequally” (p. 28).
A further definition of PD is given by Xie et. al.(2009), in a culture, unequal distribution of power on the basis of prestige and wealth. PD is cultural acceptance of hierarchical power (Loh et al, 2010). Therefore, PD is a belief of unequal distribution of power and authorities in a society. High-PD is observed in society emphasizes the importance of authority in social hierarchies and may use special expressions towards superiors (Richardson and Smith,
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