a. SA node _sets the pace for the entire heart_____________
b. Internodal pathway __link between the SA and AV nodes________
c. AV node ___delay occurs here while the atria contracts_____
d. AV bundle (bundle of His) ____link between the atria and ventricle______
e. Bundle branches ___convoy impulse down the interventricular septum________
f. Purkinje fibers __convey impulse throughout the ventricular walls______ 4. The action potentials spread from the autorhythmic cells of the intrinsic conduction system (electrical event) to the __contractile___ cells. The resulting mechanical events cause a heartbeat. 5. A tracing of the electrical activity of the heart is called a/an _____ECG__. 6. What do the following wave forms reflect?
a. P wave _____atrial depolarization____
b. QRS complex ___ventricular depolarization_____
c. T wave ___ventricular repolarization_____
Cardiovascular System: Cardiac Action Potential
1. How do the waves of depolarization, generated by the autorhythmic cells spread to the muscle cells? _____via gap junctions______
2. Depolarizing current from the autorhythmic cells causes the ventricular muscle cells to ___contract___.
3. If the sodium channel or the fast calcium channels are open, the inside of the cell would be relatively more ___positive___.
4. The pacemaker potential is due to a/an (decreased or increased) efflux of _decreased___ ions compared to a normal influx of __K+, Na+__ ions.
5. Threshold for the action potential in the SA node is at ___-40_ mV. What channels open,