Institute of Information & Mathematical Sciences
Department of Information Technology
158.244 – System Management and Testing
Essay One:
“In the first short essay, you are expected to complete Exercise 9 on page 49 of the text book.
The World Bank’s website interfaces into the World Bank’s knowledge management systems. This site and its underlying knowledge management systems has been highly acclaimed and won many awards. Visit their website, find the various papers that explain the theory underpinning the site, searching on ‘knowledge management’ and ‘knowledge sharing’ and similar terms. Study these documents and explore the website, then write an evaluation of the World Bank’s knowledge management system. To what extend does the website form an integral part of the knowledge management system?
The total number of word is expected to be about 1500 words, which should be more than 1200, but less than 1800.
The due date is 18/03/2012. This essay is worth 9% of the total marks of this paper.”
Student I.D. 11205658
18 March 2012
The mission of the World Bank is to “reduce global poverty” (World Bank website). As such, there is an enormous amount of contributing factors to this mission, all of which can fall under numerous categories that need to be organized. The website of the World Bank has been widely recognized through many awards, for its ability to present information in a way that is highly accessible to users of varying backgrounds and requirements. The World Bank itself has evolved significantly as an organization from its origins as a traditionally banking focused operator, to its present position. Initially the World Bank provided loans for poorer countries to establish and build infrastructure, however this extended into more social based programs. Likewise, the knowledge management requirements of the World Bank have evolved and it was
References: Cohen, D and Laporte, B.(2004). The evolution of the knowledge bank. Knowledge Management Magazine. March, 2004. Retrieved 18th March from Hall and Fernandez-Ramil. (2007) Managing the Software Enterprise : software engineering and information systems in context, John Wiley Publishers Hedlund, G Laporte, B. (2004). Knowledge sharing at the World Bank: the fad that would not go away. Knowledge Management Magazine. Dec/Jan 2004 issue. Li, M., & Gao, F. (2003). Why Nonaka highlights tacit knowledge: A critical review. Journal of Knowledge Management, 7(4), 6-14. Retrieved from McDonnell L