The following topics that will be discussed will be: First, what are three major historical turning points during the Progressive Era and the Great Depression? Next, what was the impact of those three major historical turning points had on America’s current society, economy, politics and culture? Third, why did women earn the right to vote in the frontier states of the West before eastern and southern states? Fourth, what three pieces of legislation in the Roosevelt-Taft-Wilson progressive era years that influenced the conduct of business to this day and what that influence has been. Fifth, what was the role that the Spanish American War played on America’s development of an Empire? And finally, what three ways in which the boom and bust of the Roaring Twenties followed by the Great Depression affected the federal government’s involvement in the national economy.
First, World War I began June 28, 1914 with the assassination of the Archduke of Austria-Hungary. It was on July 28,1914 when Austria-Hungary declared war on Serbia. Germany declared war on Russia. France, found herself at war with Germany and Austria-Hungary. Germany invaded Belgium, who was neutral, so they can reach Paris quickly. Britain, who entered the war because she was obligated to defend Belgium, declared war on Germany. Japan declared war on Germany. Two days later Austria-Hungary declared war on Japan. Italy entered the war in May 1915, by siding with the allies. President Wilson declared that the United States stays neutral. The tension between Germany and United States had increased when the British intercepted a message between Germany and Mexico. This message was known as the Zimmermann note, which revealed the German’s plot to persuade Mexico to join the war. April 6,1917, United States declares war on Germany. As the United States entered the war, the army only had 128,000 Soldiers. The government organized a draft that
References: 1) Burton, David H., (2012). William Howard Taft in the World Book of Encyclopedia (p.8 to p.12). Chicago, IL: Scott Fetzer Company. 2) Deluzio, Crista, (2010). Women’s Rights: People and Perspectives. Santa Barbara, CA: Library of Congress. 3) Freidel, Frank & Sidey, Hugh (2006). The Presidents of the United States of America. Retrieved from 4) Key Events in the Spanish-American War (2013). Naval History. 27(2) p.23 to p.24 5) Mitchener, Kris J., (2012). The Great Depression in the World Book of Encyclopedia (p.339 to p.342). Chicago, IL: Scott Fetzer Company. 6) Mulder, John M., (2012). Woodrow Wilson in the World Book of Encyclopedia (p. 318 to p. 328). Chicago, IL: Scott Fetzer Company. 7) Rosenberg, Jennifer. World War I. Retrieved from http://