1. Characteristics and development of the second world war. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4
Two . Political, economic and social implications of the attack on Pearl Harbour. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
Three . Decisive Battles in the outcome of World War II . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
April . Create a map with territorial advances of Nazi Germany . . . . . . . .24
May . Bibliography . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .25
1. Characteristics and development of the Second World War
Development of the war :
The World War II …show more content…
broke out in late 1939 and ending in 1945.
France and Britain face Germany , Austria and Italy after the invasion of Poland. This stage is characterized by fulminant Axis victory . Set to the following parts :
North German Campaign deEuropa : also called Baltic Campaign is decided in the spring of 1940 with the German invasion of Denmark and Norway. Sweden is respected for its neutrality but it will be a point of espionage in the north.
Western Front Campaign : This campaign is given along the spring - summer of 1940 and began with the German invasion of Belgium and Holland so far were neutral . Then enter the Rhine in France and England landed in France but are defeated .
Within the German-occupied France emerged a movement of resistance to the Germans and is directed from England by Charles de Gaulle .
Offensive against England in the summer of 1940 France signed an armistice and has been divided into two zones. Only England and Hitler is thought to be the time to lead an offensive attack against England . Landed on the English coast and launch massive bombings . In England the churchill conservative minister and the strength of this raises morale English village is and this makes the English withstand Hitler fails and leaves the invasion plan and withdraws the Balkans .
Opening of Mediterranean front : In June 1940 , before the German successes Italy enters the war and the Italians started the offensive in North Africa in Egypt and Tunisia and are aided by the troops of German elite led by quarterback Romell .
Balkans: The Germans and Italians launch an attack on the Balkan area collides with Russia 's interests . Hitler , despite Nazi-Soviet pact , was planning the invasion of Russia . Hitler gets to join the Axis Hungary Romania , Bulgaria and the Axis incorporating these 3 countries invade Yugoslavia. Resistance movements in Yugoslavia led by Tito arise and conquer Greece and from there created and prepared for the invasion of the USSR.
Since 1941 starting to raise a new situation and the June 22, 1941 Germany invades Russia without notice and starts operation Barbarossa . This invasion makes the USSR is integrated into the Allied side . On December 8, 1941 the Japanese bombed Pearl Harbor without notice . Within its expansionist policy also invade hong Kong , the Philippines , Burma , Indonesia and even Chinese territory. At this time , U.S. President Roosevelt declares war on Japan in December 1941 and joins the Axis. The war has been internationalized , Germany has opened a front in Russia and is under pressure from Europe. There is a war between Germany and the USSR , between Japan and USA and between Italy alongside Germany against USA and England in the Mediterranean and the atlántico.En 1943 an Allied offensive launched from all fronts against Germany having opened four fronts, these are:
Russian Front : In the summer of 1941 Germany breaks the Molotov-Ribbentrop pact and invaded Russia and conquer the entire front of reaching western Russia Leningrad, Moscow is approaching but when they send is almost winter and the Russians , led by Zhukov and the Germans have become stronger and attack Ukraine because they were land with huge oil deposits. Prepare an offensive and reach Stalingrad and beset Stalin , however , came the winter of 1943 in which the Germans are defeated by Russians in the Battle of Kursk and in late 1943 the Germans were expelled from the Soviet Union and allied countries Germany signed the armistice with the Russians, these powers are : Romania , Bulgaria and Finland. In 1945 , in April , the Russians enter Berlin.
African Front: The Mediterranean acquired great strategic value to end British rule . In 1941 , the Germans created the Africa Korps led by Rommel. At the same time the British sent a huge army to the area led by Montgomery Africa faced with the army led by Rommel. From 1942 Montgomery defeated Rommel at the Battle of El- Alamein the British victory culminates with the landing of the two Anglo -American troops in Morocco and Algeria led by Eisenhower. In May 1943 the Germans surrender to the Anglo- Americans in North Africa .
Pacific Front : In 1941 the Japanese bombed Pearl Harbor, U.S. base . This causes the U.S. entry into World War against the Axis . Between 1941 and 1943 the Japanese seize all of Southeast Asia and achieved many victories. Consequently an American reaction occurs and start getting wins. In this situation turned desperate as Japanese kamikaze or suicide pilots the methods. In August 1944 following the war in Burma and Japan are tested on the first two atomic bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki remain as U.S. President Truman after Roosevelt 's death . Finally , in September 1945 the Japanese emperor interview with General Mc . Arthur and peace sign .
Western Front : In 1941 Europe is held by Germany , however , with the entry into the war in the U.S. and the USSR Allied counteroffensive began in 1943 and get push back the Axis and rush to conquer Italy . They get beat and take prisoner Mussolini and the Italians signed peace with the Anglo- Americans. But the Germans liberate Mussolini of Italy cárcel.Los allies are holding and therefore the German retreat starts but again Mussolini who catch this time is executed. In June 1944 the Allies enter Rome triumphantly . Since the USSR began a counteroffensive in the summer of 1944 and the Russian troops enter the territories that had supported the Axis. They get the release of Romania, Hungary and Bulgaria and the Russians get laLiberación of Yugoslavia. Meanwhile, Greece is liberated by the británicos.El June 6, 1944 the united troops of American, British , Canadian, Australian and French landed on the French coast . This is the landing of Normandy and from this time the unstoppable release of occupied France from June to August starts. On 25 August 1944 the Allies enter Paris in November 1944 and come into Belgium, Holland and Luxembourg and France Free ocupada.A late 1944 initiated the advance into Germany . England, France and the U.S. are on the West and the USSR in the east come to Berlin and continued bombing starts. The war ends with the surrender of Japan on September 2, 1945 after the U.S. atomic attack on Hiroshima and Nagasaki.
Long duration of the war : This extension attached to a geographical feature makes it a win or a defeat in a decisive battle not see where it will lead the conflict.
intensity warfare : mobilized enormous human and material resources. The whole economy is going to war, or to or for the reset state control . Start a race to produce increasingly, espionage and sabotage. It is characterized as a war of weapons , from technical and tactical developments. In World War II is fully motorized and appear new projectiles , such as the atomic bomb.
war Techniques : The techniques used are the combined attacks . No ground attacks only occur but are combined with air and sea attacks .
Population : It is not a war between armies but affects the entire civilian population.
It is a psychological war : They influenced public opinion through radio.
Weight resistance : a civilian army that occupants underground fighting forms. In France they are called " Makis " and Yugoslavia " the patisanos " .
The geographical extent : World War II has two stages is a 1st phase of European war and a 2nd phase, after 1941 , which extends worldwide, extending to Asia , Africa and the Pacific oceans and through the Indian naval battles . What begins as a confrontation between France and England against Germany , became a global conflict . Only remain neutral Sweden , Switzerland , Portugal and Spain . Outbreak of the war are two blocks, these are , or Axis : Germany ( 1938 ), Italy ( 1940 ) and Japan ( 1941) or Allies: France and England (1939 ), Russia (1939) and USA (1941 )
Two . Political, economic and social implications of the attack on Pearl Harbour
Pearl Harbor, as a manifestation of an international conflict, had clear internal and external antecedents affecting policy and U.S. economic expansion. The antecedents and consequences of the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor Allowed locate and understand within the U.S. and world historical process. But it is equally interesting , in terms of historical knowledge , analyze it from a revisionist perspective , in search of meaning and representing the entire episode, in relation to the values and spirit that supposedly identify American society.
With specific regard to the Pacific War , between the U.S. and Japan , began after the Japanese bombing of Pearl Harbor, there are two basic explanations : from the point of view of Japan, the war offered good prospects for expansion and political economy in Asia , while , since the conclusion of World War I , the United States had been exercising their power to limit the naval expansion of Japan in the Far East.
Japan started his career as rival European powers from the Meiji restoration in 1868 , there began the transition to modern Japan , based on rigorously planned industrialization , prioritizing strategic . Simultaneously created and the army professionalized . World War I allowed him to advance greatly in their development, but it faced the postwar refurbishment to European competition and barriers to American politics obeyed "high to Japan." The crisis of 1929 , to restrict and hinder markets deepened the problem in this country with such a small geographic base. The solution was made in advance of a militarist movement in order to seek military expansion in Asia. In 1937 , militarism prevailed : removed the participation of political parties in the cabinet and parliamentary control disappeared . For expansion was , however , a fundamental problem : dependence on external supplies of oil.
For the United States , the advancement of Japan affected the balance of economic and political power in the Far East , preventing , among other things, the usufruct of the policy of " open door" to trade in China. For more than a year before Pearl Harbor , the U.S. government measures exerted economic pressure to " discourage " Japan : the attachment of metal shipments to the Japanese industry following the agreement that Japan signed with Germany and Italy ; interruption trade , including oil , following the Japanese invasion of Indochina ... In November 1941 , the American " intelligentsia " knew that Japan would not surrender and I thought attack . At that time, and 25% of American industry was destined to war production .
For internal conditions in the United States , the war also had a good chance. President Roosevelt was a committed internationalist of the importance of increasing the country 's share in the global economic system and political interdependence. Moreover, the "New Deal" had not really made the recovery of the economy after the crisis of 29. Although public opinion was demonstrating against the war in October 1940 was the first recruitment in peacetime . In March 1941, the president managed authorization to lend or lease arms to any country whose defense was vital to the United States. In September, Nazi submarines and American ships faced in an undeclared war .
The climax of the whole situation was the bombing of December 7, 1941 , at the Pearl Harbor Naval Base in Hawaii , where Japanese destroyed most of the U.S. Pacific Fleet . The next day , the Senate voted unanimously declaring war .
In economic terms , the consequences were optimal: the mobilization of defense finally ended with the Great Depression and production doubled during the war. By 1943 , two-thirds of the national economy were directly involved with the war effort . The federal budget increased from 9.4 billion in 1939 to 95.2 billion in 1945. Roosevelt relied on industry leaders to manage the economy of war, greatly boosting the sector. The 56 largest corporations received three quarters of war contracts , the " antitrust" claims were suspended , which increased concentration and government - dependent relationship strengthened capital .
In the workplace, disappeared unemployment and job opportunities for marginalized groups such as women and blacks were opened . But these achievements could not resist the reinstatement of the traditional workers , upon completion of the mission in the war. The exalted patriotism increased hostility to organized labor and did nothing to weaken the racial discrimination. However, improved conditions for workers and trade unionism increased. Labor-management relations were mediated by the government , mainly in terms of salaries . Overall, was significantly fell against the "reformist spirit" of the thirties.
But there are some discrepancies among analysts regarding the antecedents and consequences of war , discrepancies are more radical when it comes to explaining what really motivated the leadership of the country to participate in the war. In defense of the principles of freedom , equality and democracy , participation could be justified ? Was ideologically consistent with American values and living conditions some sectors of society? Were the elements of Nazism , racism and interventionism , fundamentally different from the expansionism and interventionism successfully developed by the United States for over fifty years , or rejection and segregation living blacks and other ethnic groups in the country? While traditional analysis does not appear to have doubts as to the need to mobilize the people in defense of higher values and against the dictatorship of fascism and the Nazi horrors , critical historiography raises more convincing arguments sobering unsuspecting readers ideologically.
Historian Howard Zinn , among others, questions whether it is possible to say that those who faced the Nazis represented , strictly speaking , something fundamental different. Upholding the principle of non-intervention was unsustainable for the United States . In a document from Secretary of State Dean Rusk, submitted to the Senate in 1962 , to justify the actions in Cuba , lists 103 previous interventions in internal problems of other countries.
The expansionist ideology was a very strong political and cultural movement since late last century in political , military , business , and even within the peasant leaders who were beginning to be affected by market saturation circles. The idea that economic necessity implies a natural tendency to expand , it was widely held . In this "climate" the country swept the Pacific and the Caribbean: defined spheres of influence, imposed military bases, overthrew constitutional governments . Cabot Lodge, Theodore Roosevelt 's friend and a member of an influential family, stated in the press at the end of the century: " In the interests of our trade Nicaragua build the channel and channel protection and benefit of our commercial supremacy in the Pacific Hawaii should control and maintain our influence in Samoa and when built the canal, the island of Cuba will become a necessity. 's great nations are rapidly absorbing for their future expansion and their present defense all the wasted parts of the world . 's a movement for civilization and progress of the race . As one of the great nations of the world, the United States can not be left behind . "
Racism , on the other hand , has continued to have impressive demonstrations throughout American history .
This does not mean that all the people are committed to what for many are the worst vices of American society . The plot revolves around how the rejection of these was used to mobilize a population that did not want to participate in the war , by those who were not , in fact, moral ability to take that position. Even during and after the war , racism came to unfortunate ends. The prejudice and hysteria unleashed against American citizens of Japanese origin produced the arrest of more than 110,000 men and women, born to Japanese parents on the west coast , but certainly citizens of the United States. They were held without trial and held prisoner inside the country for three years . Neither the descendants of Germans or Italians were confined , the rationale was that the Japanese Americans , taking ethnic affiliation with the enemy, were greater source of danger than those ancestor "white."
Both President Roosevelt and Secretary of State Hull, in 1934 objected to a resolution of the U.S. Congress are asking the German government to restore the rights of the Jews. The German anti-Semitism did not justify intervention. The war effort also justified anti - racist concessions during the fighting , the Red Cross , with government approval, separated the donations of "white " blood and "black "
Three . Decisive Battles in the outcome of World War II
The Battle of Stalingrad
It was a military conflict between the German forces and Soviet armies for control of Stalingrad ciudadde , now Volgograd, between August 23, 1942 and February 2, 1943 , during the course of World War 3 With Mundial.2 low estimated three to four million people, including soldiers and civilians on both sides , the battle of Stalingrad is considered the bloodiest in the history of mankind and the beginning of the end of Nazism in Europe. The Germans called it " Rattenkrieg ," " war rats ".
After Adolf Hitler diverted unstoppable forces of Fall Blau to Stalingrad , after a massive bombardment , were fought within the city intense urban combat , neither side had been done in full control of the ruins. In November 1942 , Soviet unacontraofensiva pocketed the German 6th Army, which would be annihilated hundred days after . Hitler 's refusal to give up the important city , gateway to the oil-rich Caucasus region, meant the death of hundreds of thousands of soldiers on both sides , and more than one million Russian civilians . Stalingrad marked the end of German hopes to capture the Caucasus and the Volga river control . In addition, many German army officers were convinced that Hitler was leading Germany to disaster, some participating in the 1944 attempt on Hitler .
Stalingrad confirmed what many military experts suspected: German forces were not sufficiently powerful enlogística supply to maintain an offensive on a front that stretched from the Black Sea to the Arctic Ocean. The battle also marked a turning point in the war , 4 since, after Stalingrad , German forces did not return to get a victory in the Este.5
In World War two battles between the Egyptian city and developed Qattara Depression . The British had concentrated a large number of troops along the 60 km from the coast to depression , which is an excellent bottleneck that prevented her favorite exercise elAfrika Korps was formed encirclement .
British General Bernard Montgomery was launched with the full October 1942 against Erwin Rommel 's troops , who were not well stocked moon. The Italo -German lines supply were based on a single track that ran along the coast of Libya was continuously subjected to bombings and sabotage by the Allies. Italian convoys, responsible for the provision , had to cross the Mediterranean between Taranto and the coast of Libya, where the British attacked them from the island of Malta with air squadrons . This island was not given sufficient strategic importance by the German high command , so although I tried to capture repeatedly ( and about were to get it) was not followed in the effort prioritizing other fronts . This resulted in a very poor human supply and equipment for the Germans, since the domain was in Allied hands .
The Germans counted as the backbone of his army with 2 panzer divisions , and a whole other decimated , and 2 Italian armored divisions , with these obsolete material without opposable power armor or the British fire , all underserved and serious supply problems. The British , meanwhile , received continual reinforcements desdeAustralia troops and colonies in Asia.
Rommel sensed so accurate that time was running against him and decided to attack first , being arrested by landmines and the English artillery. A few days later the British, taking advantage of their numerical superiority and seeing the poor results of the attack Rommel launched his best troops , curiously troops of the British Empire ( Australian and New Zealand ) , starting with an unbalancing attack north of the German line . Rommel tried to stop the English reservations impulse, which was supported by the Desert Air Force and more armored . However, the panzer units and German infantry regiments were defeated by the superiority of the attack speed and Montgomery . The Germans had to retreat westward to avoid being annihilated , giving this order Rommel despite not getting permission from Hitler. Have maintained the position all Axis units have been destroyed.
The decisive match was on November 4 , when the British armored opened holes in the German lines. The British intercepted the Rahman track and took the German headquarters. The troops of the Afrika Korps were flagging for scarce supplies. It was the battle which General Montgomery ( Monty ) was honored and ennobled First Viscount of Alamein .
He was a naval conflict waged between 4 and 7 June 1942 in the Pacific theater during World War II. In it, the naval forces estadounidensesdetuvieron Japanese attempt to invade Midway Atoll , where the first had a military base. He fought a month after labatalla Coral Sea , five months after the Japanese conquest of Wake Island and six months after the attack on Pearl Harbor, which marked the beginning of the conflict in the Pacific Ocean between the Japanese and norteamericanos.2 Japanese defeat was a serious obstacle to its expansion plans for the rest of the Pacific and was a " turning point " in the whole conflict. Therefore, Midway is generally considered the most important battle of the Pacific War .
Both sides suffered heavy losses. The Japanese lost four aircraft carriers , a heavy cruiser and some 240 aircraft , which greatly weakened the Imperial Japanese Navy , while the Americans lost only one aircraft carrier and a destroyer . Strategically, the outcome of the battle meant that the Imperial Japanese Navy lost the initiative in the Pacific, and this definitely happened to the Americans. The Japanese attack on Midway -like Pearl Harbor -was not part of a plan to conquer the United States, but was aimed at eliminating the forces of the U.S. naval fleet in the Pacific and thus avoid intervention Japanese campaign in Southeast and east Asia.
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