Part One: Multiple Choice Cold War
1) Which newspaper headline is associated with the Korean War?
A. “Canadian soldiers resolve crisis!” C. “Invasion of oil-rich country leads to war!”
B. “Asian conflict; Canada remains neutral!” D. “International conflict results in a stalemate!”
2) In which nation did UN peacekeepers intervene in 1956?
A. W B. X C. Y D. Z
3) Which of the following was a result of Canada’s decision to cancel the Avro Arrow project?
A. greater economic growth
B. increased dependency on the US military
C. withdrawal of its membership from NORAD
D. decreased involvement with the United Nations
4) During the Cold War, over what military issue did Lester Pearson and John Diefenbaker disagree?
A. Canada’s participation in NATO
B. Canada’s sovereignty in the Arctic
C. the expansion of Canadian forces in Europe
D. the presence of nuclear weapons on Canadian soil
5) Which statement best describes the Quiet Revolution?
A. a protest against the policy of bilingualism
B. a movement that modernized Quebec society
C. an attempt by leaders to enhance the role of the Catholic Church
D. a campaign that sought the independence of Quebec from Canada
6) Which of the following is a function of the Canada Council for the Arts?
A. attracting foreign artists to perform in Canada
B. awarding grants to Canadian writers and performers
C. regulating Canadian radio stations for foreign content
D. providing subsidies to Canadian radio and television stations
Use the following statement to answer question 7.
The American invasion by film and magazines is formidable. News commentaries are designed for American ears and are almost certain to have an American slant.
7) What was the Canadian government’s response to this invasion?
A. the establishment of the National Film Board
B. the signing of the North American Free Trade Agreement
C. the implementation of the Foreign Investment Review Agency
D. the