Indian Institute Of Technology, Bombay
Wormhole Attack in Wireless Ad-hoc Network
CS 649 : Cryptography and Network Security - I
By :
Group No : 03
Group Members :
1. Jeet Patani : 10305001
2. Ankit Shah : 10305013
3. Dhaval Manvar : 10305021
4. Swapnil Shah
: 10305063
5. Nimit Kalaria : 10305904
Wormhole Attack in Wireless Ad-hoc Network
Group No:3
Use of wireless networks grows rapidly now days. Ad-hoc networks are widely used now days. However, due to absence of infrastructures, ad-hoc networks are vulnerable to number of attacks. Securing this ad-hoc network is a major concern.
Here we are going to illustrate a particularly severe attack in wireless ad-hoc network called wormhole attack and present a detailed study of it, its causes, effects it can have and remedies and ways to overcome it.
Wormhole Attack in Wireless Ad-hoc Network
Group No:3
Wormhole attack operates in two phase. In the first phase, malicious nodes(attacker node), called wormhole nodes, try to lure legitimate nodes to send data to other nodes via them.They do so by convincing legitimate nodes that sending data via a path through them causes a benefit to them(may be with respect to time, distance etc.) Now once a route is established through it ,in the second phase,wormhole nodes could exploit the data in variety of ways. It can start dropping packets via it, or modify it or even just view data and get useful information or can even monitor data.In this way it can turn out to be very dangerous.We now examine various ways in which malicious node convinces legitimate path to route packets via it (i.e. launh attack) and later see remedies for it.
Wormhole Attack Modes
Wormhole attack can be launched using many ways. Following are some of modes.
• Encapsulation
• Out-of-Band Channel
• High Power Transmission
• Packet Relay
• Protocol Deviations
Now we will see each