British Novel
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Q. 1. Trace the development of modern English fiction with specific reference to the major shifts in literary perspective during the 19th century.
Ans. Modern English fiction exploded the long-preserved myth of universal human nature.
It accepted the change from pre-industrial way of life and economy. The modern English fiction was influenced by urbanisation, destruction of reason, and the resultant uncertainties of the First World-War. These aspects of life loomed large in the consciousness of the writers, their workers reflected apocalyptic, risis-centred views of history. Literature reflected the sense of bleakness, alienation, disintegration, futility and sarchy that had engulfed the human thinking. The result was that undertones of exreme-consciousness, introversion and scepticism entered into writing. Elments of the antirepresetnational came to the fore as poetry revelled inverse libre of free verse and the novel took to the stream of consciousness narrative.
W.H. Auden called the period after Second World-War “The age of anxiety”.The realitities of the battlefield imprinted themselves on the thinking of human beings who had, to come to terms with the height-marish destruction and desolation of nuclear bomb, widespread massacres, new boarders and fallen regimes. With the death of literary giants like James Joyee,