In the late 60’s and early 70’s came around and the first attempt at this giant problem was taken; NASA had came up with the Advance Crew Escape Suit or nicked named the “pumpkin suit”. It is still the current launch, re-entry, and abort configuration for the shuttle program. It was based upon the US air force s1034 high altitude suit. It’s soul purpose was to keep astronauts alive during launch and re-entry, but in case of an emergency there was a personal parachute system that would allow the crew members to eject out of the aircraft. It also included many safety features like a flotation device and life raft and flame resistant
In the late 60’s and early 70’s came around and the first attempt at this giant problem was taken; NASA had came up with the Advance Crew Escape Suit or nicked named the “pumpkin suit”. It is still the current launch, re-entry, and abort configuration for the shuttle program. It was based upon the US air force s1034 high altitude suit. It’s soul purpose was to keep astronauts alive during launch and re-entry, but in case of an emergency there was a personal parachute system that would allow the crew members to eject out of the aircraft. It also included many safety features like a flotation device and life raft and flame resistant