In just two short years, Dom Pedro had defeated all armies loyal to Portugal, an impressive feat. In short Dom Pedro had eventually founded the Brazilian empire and defeated enemies loyal to Portugal. in a sense he had avenged his people for having to flee. He actually later became the emperor of Portugal for a time beginning on the year of 1826. He had abdicated Portugal to his eldest daughter, dona Maria II. Her throne was usurped by prince dom miguel, Dom Pedro's younger brother. With the stresses of being emperor of two countries, on the seventh of april in 1831, pedro abdicated in favor of his eldest son Dom Pedro II, and had sailed for …show more content…
The reason being is because he was the founder of the Brazilian empire. He also fought off the portuguese and liberated hundreds of thousands of people. Without him as an emperor, it wouldn't be guaranteed that Portugal would have been liberated which has effects in itself. Dom Pedro was a very intelligent person with a great education. he was passionate about things and he was a fighter. he was stubborn to his way. Out of everything Dom Pedro has taught me to be stubborn, to never stop fighting, and to love while you still