This will enable your providers to make best possible health decisions in your care, especially in an emergency.
Another benefit is EHR will reduce unnecessary tests and procedures. Many of us may had to repeat a test because the original test was not available to your doctor. These test may have been uncomfortable, painful, and cost a lot of money. Now with EHR, all your providers will have access to your test results, reducing the potential for repeated tests (“HealthIt.Gov”, 2013). A very excellent benefit is EHR can be a protection. “EHR helps your doctors coordinate care and protects your safety” (“HealthIt.Gov”, 2013). For example, if you go to the emergency department for a broken ankle, and ER doctors gives you a pain medicine that you have a bad reaction to. The ER doctor will put this information in your EHR. So when you see the orthopedic specialist, he will see that you had a reaction to a certain pain medication and will prescribe something different. This protects you from not having another bad reaction to medication and it helps the doctors in wasting time with prescribing wrong
EHR enhances patients care because it gives you direct access to your health records. This access helps you to keep better track of your care, so that you can identify wrong and missing information and make the needed corrections. It also allows you to communicate directly and securely with your health care provider (“HealthIt.Gov”, 2013). For example, HealthIt.Gov give an personal story of Dave. Dave was diagnosed with stage 4 kidney cancer. After he was treated for cancer, he decided to make his own health care record. He states “I transferred my medical records from my hospital’s computer system, and guess what? Those records contained conditions I never had, an allergy I never had, and did not contain an allergy I do have. At the same time, my records were missing a lot of important data, like lab results and radiology reports. What if an unfamiliar doctor or nurse had relied on those records?” (DeBronkart, 2014). Because of EHR, Dave was able to make changes to his record, that would have otherwise delayed care in an emergency.