A relationship can be a driving force that effects our sexuality. Our relationships define our expressions of our feelings, like love and our attraction towards others. Cal the main character in Middlesex experiences some valuable relationships in his story. Early on in Calliopes life he begins to develop a crush and starts to romanticize about a girl she calls the obscure object, but because homosexuality was shunned at his school he was afraid to show his …show more content…
One night at the obscure object's vacation home, she gets into bed with Cal and he begins to perform sexual acts with her while she was sleeping, even though she physically responded. A few days later Cal got caught pleasuring the obscure object by her brother. Because of his teasing, Cal spits in his face and runs away from him, but then was hit by a tractor. When she woke she saw the obscure object crying and they experience both their first and last kiss together. The relationship Cal and the obscure object had wasn't conventional due to Cal being unaware of his own gender and sexuality. Because of Cal's struggle in a confusing time in his life, his first love was a complex relationship. This story also gives another example of one of Cal relationships. During this relationship he understands his identity and gender, unlike his earlier one with the obscure object. One day in Berlin Cal, admiring her beauty and retro bike, meet Julie. Through out the book Cal mentions the dates they go on. When