English 711
Essay Assignment #1
Due: Tuesday, September 25th . You must bring TWO typed copies of your essay to class for peer review. You will have the opportunity to revise the essay to hand in Thursday,
September 27th; you must also upload this revised essay to the SafeAssignments link on our Blackboard page.
Please write a typed, double-spaced essay on the topic below. Remember to include MLA in-text citations and a works cited page.
Length: three pages
Summarizing and making connections – In this assignment, you are required to show your ability to summarize multiple essays with the purpose of connecting the major points of the essays to your own experiences.
In this unit, we read four essays by authors who
discover the power of language in one form or another: essays by X, Michaels, Marin, and Kingston. For example, Malcolm X describes, in his essay “Homemade Education,” how his lack of understanding of many words found in books made him feel frustrated and how learning them empowered him by opening a new world for him. In her essay “Spanish Lessons,” Marin discusses how she came to find many of her voices, both Spanish and English, how they “contributed to the formation of self and identity,” and how she learned the different power of both languages.
Write an essay in which you (1) summarize two essays among the four to which you can best relate and (2) compare them with your own language experience. What are the similarities and differences between their experiences and yours?
In order to complete the assignment successfully, you must summarize your chosen essays precisely and make clear connections between the authors’ experiences and your own, providing sufficient, relevant details.