According to Sollecito and Johnson, 9.2% of the world’s hospital patients are harmed during the care process, and 7.4% of this harm leads to death. Mr. Smith became one member of this 9.2% when the healthcare team assigned to treat his injury operated on the wrong knee. In an attempt to alleviate similar situations from occurring in the future, the healthcare organization at the crux of this occurrence wants a team formed for analysis purposes, to ensure this does not happen again. This team will need to consist of qualified team members that have the ability to communicate well and create lasting quality improvement tools.
Team Members
Sollecito also states that the clinical microsystem should be used as a unit of research, analysis, and practice. Key to the formulation of a good team to analyze accidents like that experienced by Mr. Smith is having knowledge of the procedure and the staff generally required to perform that procedure. Additionally, it would be necessary to find personnel that understand the etiology of the incident in addition to being unbiased personnel so that accurate solutions could be derived. Based on that information the team should have an attorney to determine the legal ramifications, an orthopedic surgeon as their specialty would be in conducting this type procedure, a surgical nurse, a department head and a surgery tech. This diverse makeup would consist of personnel on both the sharp and bump ends of service delivery while providing subject matter experts on each step of the procedure. Just as important as their knowledge when selecting a team is followership. It will be important to have team members that are able to take guidance (Zoheir, et al)
Fostering Communication
In an effort to foster communication “timely, accurate, useful and credible communication is critical to maintaining a cohesive team environment and achieving project success.” Goals and strategy must be made clear and the sharing of
References: Ezziane, Z., Maruthappu, M., Gawn, L., Thompson, E. A., Athanasiou, T., & Warren, O. J. (2012). Building effective clinical teams in healthcare. Journal of Health Organization and Management, 26(4), 428-436. doi: 10.1108/14777261211251508 Flynn, A. B., & Mangione, T. J. (2008). Five steps to a winning project team. Healthcare Executive, 23(1), 54-55. Retrieved from Sollecito, William A., Julie K. Johnson. Continuous Quality Improvement in Health Care, 4th Edition. Jones & Bartlett Publishers, 2011-09-01.