Wrong-site surgery should not happen because safety measures should be in place and healthcare providers should adhere to those recommendations. In our case, what went wrong is a series of errors occurred along the way. First, the physician did not recheck the ultrasound before operating. Second, there were no good communications among the medical professionals, which shows a lack of coordination of patient care. Third, the medical professionals relied on too few documents (posting sheet and office notes) and the patient’s word to determine surgery
Wrong-site surgery should not happen because safety measures should be in place and healthcare providers should adhere to those recommendations. In our case, what went wrong is a series of errors occurred along the way. First, the physician did not recheck the ultrasound before operating. Second, there were no good communications among the medical professionals, which shows a lack of coordination of patient care. Third, the medical professionals relied on too few documents (posting sheet and office notes) and the patient’s word to determine surgery