1. Command Economy: The government will determine countries economic needs. The government tells people when they work and how much they get paid.
2. Collective Farming : all food grown goes to state to be redistributed. Everything that the farmers grow, goes strait to the government, and the government decides what to do with it.
3. Great Purge:
4. New Deal: Roosevelt's program of government reform to improve economy.
5. Coalition Government: temporary multi-party alliances
6. Kellogg Brian Pact: renounced war as as "instrument of national policy"
7. Five-Year Plans: high quotas of steel, coal, oil, and electricity. Limits were placed on consumer goods (rationing).
8. Totalitarianism: a government that takes total centralized control over every aspect of public and private life. (the government, the economy, private life of citizens)
9. Great Depression: an economic downturn; long business slump of the 1930s; bank failures, loss of savings, unemployment, business failures.
10. anit-Semitism:
11. Weimar Republic: Germany's democratic government formed in 1919. American loans help revive German economy.
12. Kulaks: wealthy peasants
13. facism: militant political; extreme nationalism and loyalty to authoritarian leader
14. Nazism: German brand of facism (racism)
15. Lebensraum: living space
1. Joseph Stalin: cold, hard communist party general secretary. He created the totalitarian states and believed in communism.
2. F.D. Roosevelt: American President during the Depression. Created New Deal.
3. Adolf Hitler: turns Germany into totalitarian state; has brutal tactics to eliminate enemies; believes that Germany needs lebensraum, or living space; invades other countries to have more land; develops Nazism. Leader of the Nazis.
4. Dawes:
5. Benito Mussolini: II Duce. Takes control in