Propaganda posters were often used to convince the viewer that joining the military would be fun and rewarding. Most propaganda posters would depict the enemy as an evil beast creating a threatening dehumanized view of the enemy . One U.S poster painted by H.R Hoops depicts the enemy as a horrific beast carrying a defenceless woman with the quote “ destroy this mad brute enlist”. With the illusion of the enemy as monstrous inhuman beings it created a mental separation between the two groups, allowing for the viewer to no longer see the enemy as a human being. Another tactic
Propaganda posters were often used to convince the viewer that joining the military would be fun and rewarding. Most propaganda posters would depict the enemy as an evil beast creating a threatening dehumanized view of the enemy . One U.S poster painted by H.R Hoops depicts the enemy as a horrific beast carrying a defenceless woman with the quote “ destroy this mad brute enlist”. With the illusion of the enemy as monstrous inhuman beings it created a mental separation between the two groups, allowing for the viewer to no longer see the enemy as a human being. Another tactic