Despite the occasional decline in popularity, the WWE has established itself as a staple in the entertainment industry. Their brand and associated characters have become household names since being introduced as the WWF in 1982. The years since creation have not always been easy, having seen its share of new competitors in the wrestling industry, various legal disputes, and failed ventures into other territories. The brand found itself coming out of a five year slump that was a result of a lack of a superstar that could carry its reputation. Currently, the WWE is trying to recapture the energy that built them. Efforts to do so have come in the form of more live events, producing movies, subscription services to access past content. After thoroughly examining the case, we feel that WWE’s biggest advantage is how much weight and power the brand now has. This power affords the brand opportunities that competitors do not have access too. To “weather” the ever increasing fad of MMA, and still stay relevant, it would be in the WWE’s best interest to refrain from “converting” these MMA fans, and focus on their core “die hard” fanatics. We feel that WWE should put a major focus on showing appreciation for the fans that built the brand in the form of a new subscription service, better organized online content and networking, increased number of live events, and wider range of celebrities to be co-branded.
When looking at the success of the WWE, most of the credit can be given to Vince McMahon. He began his career in the wrestling business around the 1970’s where he worked for his father’s business. His main job here was to commentate on the matches and to promote the business. In 1982 he bought the company from his father and renamed in the world wrestling foundation. His first step to success was to thin out the competition by having his wrestling matches aired around the country causing other business to drop out of the industry. Vince McMahon