I want to write about an event happened to me during the middle of last semester.
It was about the Epidemiology midterm exam. A lot of students apparently did not perform well on that exam, so the professor decided to curve the grades and proposed to make the midterm exam worth less. Originally, the midterm exam and final exam were both worth 40% of the final grade, and the online modules were worth 20% of the final grade, according to the syllabus. However, the instructors send out an email stating that they are proposing to change the midterm grade to from 40% to 20% and the online modules from 20% to 40% after they have discussed with our curriculum representatives.
I did not like this change at that time …show more content…
Also, the instructor I emailed to forwarded my email and his response to the curriculum representatives, and I thought since my classmates are going to find out that I emailed the instructor sooner or later, I might just as well post it and find out their opinions.
Though I was trying to be as cordial as possible about the word choices of my post, people reacted strongly to my posts. Some of them agreed with me, and some of them did not agree with me, and they started arguing under my post. Among the replies, one was very aggressive and almost personal attacking. I realized it was a terrible idea to post on Facebook, so I deleted those posts and apologized to everyone on that Facebook group.
I should have never posted my opinion about the proposed change regarding the midterm exam on Facebook. I was being unprofessional. One barrier that influenced my choice was that I did not know that how things escalate on social media since I seldom post anything on social media. Another barrier that influenced the choice I made was that at that time, I was convinced that the instructors were going to make those changes, however, they did not make those proposed changes because the person in charge did not approve those changes. So I could have just done nothing. The last barrier was that I thought it would be appropriate to post that post on that Facebook group chat because I have seen people post