Time allowed: 2 hours 15 mins; Maximum Marks: 100 General Instructions: | 1) | The question paper comprises of two sections A and B. You are to attempt both sections. | 2) | You are advised to attempt all the questions of Section A and Section B separately. | 3) | All questions are compulsory. | 4) | There is no overall choice. However, internal choice has been provided in some questions. You are to attempt only one option in such questions. | 5) | Marks allocated to every question are indicated against it. | 6) | Questions number 1-4 in Section A and 17, 18 in Section B are very short answer questions. These are to be answered in one word or one sentence. | 7) | Questions number 5-8 in Section A and 19, 20 in Section B are short answer questions. These are to be answered in 30 - 40 words each. | 8) | Questions number 9-14 in Section A and 21 - 23 in Section B are also short answer questions.These are to be answered in 40 - 50 words each. | 9) | Questions number 15, 16 in Section A and 24 in Section B are long answer questions. These are to be answered in 70 words each. |
Question 1
1. What is the role of a catalyst in a chemical reaction?
A catalyst alters the rate of reaction without itself undergoing any change.
Question 2
2. Which class of compounds gives a positive Fehling’s test ?
(out of syllabus)
Question 3
3. Approximately how many stars are there in the Milky Way ?
(out of syllabus)
Question 4
4. What is meant by the statement, “Potential difference between points A and B in an electric field is 1 volt.”?
Potential difference between points A and B in an electric field is said to be one volt when one joule of work is done in bringing a charge of 1 coulomb from point A to point B.
Question 5
5. State the ‘Law of Chemical Equilibrium’. Write an expression for