References: 1. Computer Design and Architecture, L. Howard Pollard, 1990, Prentice-Hall, Inc. 2. Software engineering, Roger S. Pressman, 1987, McGraw-Hill, Inc. 3. Assembly Language, Jeff Duntemann, 1992, John Wiley and Sons, Inc. 4. Assembly Language for the PC, John Socha and Peter Norton, 1992, Brady Publishing 5. Advanced Assembly Language, Allen L. Wyatt, Sr., 1992, Que Corporation 6. 8-Bit microprocessor and Peripheral Data, Motorola, Inc., 1983, Motorola, Inc. 7. Organizational Behavior Human Behavior at Work, John W. Newstrom and Keith Davis, 1997, McGraw-Hill 8. Management Information Systems, Kenneth C. Laudon and Jane P. Laudon, 1998, Prentice Hall, Inc. 9. Understanding Business, Nickels * McHugh * McHugh, 1987, Times Mirror/Mosby College Publishing 10. Project Plan Document developed by the Best Practices Subcommittee of the Interagency Committee, Unknown authors and date of publication. 11. Year 2000 Management Plan, March 1997, Office of the Assistant Secretary of Defense, (C3I) 12. Year 2000, Biting the Silver Bullet, Peter de Jager, 1/13/97, Internet paper. 13. Agencies Year 2000 Repair Pace Criticized, Rajiv Chandrasekaran and Stephen Barr, Washington Post, 3 May 1998. 14. DoD to Share Early Warning Data to Stem Y2K Failures in Russia, China, Pamela Hess, 5 May 1998, Defense Information and Electronics Report. 15 Year 2000 Bug could Spook Russians, Author Unknown, Washington Times, 5 May 1998. Glossary 1. DoD - Department of Defense 2. Y2K - Year 2000 3. C3I - Command, Control, Communications, and Intelligence
References: 1. Computer Design and Architecture, L. Howard Pollard, 1990, Prentice-Hall, Inc. 2. Software engineering, Roger S. Pressman, 1987, McGraw-Hill, Inc. 3. Assembly Language, Jeff Duntemann, 1992, John Wiley and Sons, Inc. 4. Assembly Language for the PC, John Socha and Peter Norton, 1992, Brady Publishing 5. Advanced Assembly Language, Allen L. Wyatt, Sr., 1992, Que Corporation 6. 8-Bit microprocessor and Peripheral Data, Motorola, Inc., 1983, Motorola, Inc. 7. Organizational Behavior Human Behavior at Work, John W. Newstrom and Keith Davis, 1997, McGraw-Hill 8. Management Information Systems, Kenneth C. Laudon and Jane P. Laudon, 1998, Prentice Hall, Inc. 9. Understanding Business, Nickels * McHugh * McHugh, 1987, Times Mirror/Mosby College Publishing 10. Project Plan Document developed by the Best Practices Subcommittee of the Interagency Committee, Unknown authors and date of publication. 11. Year 2000 Management Plan, March 1997, Office of the Assistant Secretary of Defense, (C3I) 12. Year 2000, Biting the Silver Bullet, Peter de Jager, 1/13/97, Internet paper. 13. Agencies Year 2000 Repair Pace Criticized, Rajiv Chandrasekaran and Stephen Barr, Washington Post, 3 May 1998. 14. DoD to Share Early Warning Data to Stem Y2K Failures in Russia, China, Pamela Hess, 5 May 1998, Defense Information and Electronics Report. 15 Year 2000 Bug could Spook Russians, Author Unknown, Washington Times, 5 May 1998. Glossary 1. DoD - Department of Defense 2. Y2K - Year 2000 3. C3I - Command, Control, Communications, and Intelligence