Sustainable Supply Chain
2012 GloBal SuStaiNaBility
Environmental Responsibility
Employee Experience
Sustainability at McDonald’s
Continuing our Journey
In my new role leading Global Corporate Social Responsibility,
Sustainability and Philanthropy, I am pleased to share with you our
2012 global sustainability highlights. In the accompanying summary, we have assessed our progress against the two-year goals we set in
2010. While we are pleased with our accomplishments to date, we know we can do more.
McDonald’s footprint is significant. So too are the opportunities and expectations. With approximately 1.8 million employees working for
McDonald’s and over 5,000 franchisees, thousands of committed suppliers and the more than 69 million customers who visit us every single day in 119 countries, we can use our scale, scope and talent to make a positive difference in the world. Together for good.
In the year ahead we will take our sustainability efforts to the next level. We are working with both internal and external stakeholders to build on our foundation and refine our strategy, with a goal to identify new opportunities and set quantifiable targets to measure ongoing improvement. J.C. Gonzalez-Mendez
Senior Vice President,
Global Corporate Social Responsibility, Sustainability & Philanthropy
MCDONALD’s PriOrities: Achieving sustainable success
sustAiNABLe suPPLy ChAiN
NutritiON &
eNvirONMeNtAL resPONsiBiLity Our vALues eMPLOyee exPerieNCe COMMuNity
2012 HiGHliGHtS
Global Sustainability food In France,
is the #1 restaurant where children eat fruit. Sourcing
In the U.S., we anticipate introducing
100 million cups of fruit into children’s diets through the Happy Meal®
of McDonald’s restaurants offer
Happy Meals with a fruit, vegetable or low-fat or fat free