Due Date: During the assessment period in Week 4, Term 2
Weight: 25%
Submission details: students are to submit their research log and essay scaffold by 8:35am to the Humanities staffroom on the day of their HSIE assessment during the Week 4 assessment period. The essay is to be completed during their scheduled HSIE assessment period.
Question: describe the experiences of Australians in WW1 and WW2 for either: Australian Nurses OR Australian Prisoners of War
Part 1 – research log and essay scaffold (10%)
You are required to complete the attached research log and essay scaffold. The purpose of the log is to develop your ability as an historian to select and analyse sources. The purpose of the scaffold is to break the essay into logical and coherent paragraphs (paragraphs that have sub-topics as their theme). You will need to complete the understanding map that is explained in the attached document. The map will provide the themes/ideas for your essay’s paragraphs
Part 2 – essay (15%)
You will have 50 minutes in class to complete an essay on the following question:
Question: describe the experiences of Australians in WW1 and WW2 for either:
Australian Nurses OR
Australian Prisoners of War
Note: you will NOT be able to refer to your research log and essay scaffold while writing your essay. MARKING GUIDELINES – Part 1 Research Log and Essay Scaffold (10%)
Mark Range
Thoroughly completes 6 source scaffolds, including full bibliographic details and clear and concise summaries
Clearly demonstrates the evolution of understanding about the question through thorough completion of all aspects of essay scaffold
Clearly demonstrates the ability to reflect and identify future directions for an historical inquiry
Uses a range of appropriate sources
Thoroughly completes 4 or 5 source scaffolds OR completes 6 source scaffolds with some details not completed
Shows some evolution of understanding about the question aspects of essay