Absolute and Relative Morality
Absolute morality is the belief that if an action is right or wrong, it is ALWAYS right or wrong no matter what the circumstances. Absolute moralists keep to their principles regardless of the consequences of actions or choices they make.
Relative morality is the belief that an action can sometimes be wrong but in other circumstances it may be right. Relative moralists would take individual circumstances into account in every case.
Prejudice and Discrimination
Prejudice- to hold an opinion that is biased and unreasonable, and not based on real evidence.
Prejudices are formed when we come to believe that our stereotypes about groups of people are real.
Discrimination- taking some kind of action against others based on your own prejudices.
People are discriminated against when we take action as a result of our prejudices.
Stereotypes- when we assume about a certain group of people. Making assumptions.
Racism- the belief that some races are superior to others.
Capital Punishment
What is Capital Punishment? * Capital Punishment is sentencing a convicted criminal to death by the government. This is still legal in parts of the USA and the world. * Killing someone as punishment. * State execution/death penalty.
Places where capital punishment is legal: * Philippines * Syria * Iran * China * USA * Pakistan * Uganda * Indonesia * Mexico * Argentina * Brazil
Places that have capital punishment but don’t practice it: * Madagascar * Russia * Papa New Guinea
Places that do not have capital punishment: * Australia * France * Canada
Approximate number of executions in 2004: 1. China- 10,000 2. Iran- 159 3. Vietnam- 64 4. USA- 59
Types of punishments: * Hanging * Electric Chair * Lethal Injections * Gas Chambers * Crucifixion
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