Imagine yourself on summer vacation. It’s warm and the weather is beautiful.Though this vacation might sound good, imagine the boredom you will feel after three long months of doing almost nothing. Summer seems to have lasted forever, and once you go back to school, you hardly remember anything that you had learned last year. Now imagine school in November. You’ve been at it for three months, and you’re struggling to get through. School might seem to be dragging on and on. With year-round school both of these scenarios can be changed for the better. All of this leads me to believe that more freshmen should support going to a year-round school system. Many students would enjoy the multiple breaks that a year-round school system …show more content…
offers. You might be thinking, “Why would anyone ever want to go to school for a whole year?” but actually there are many extra breaks spread throughout the year. After every nine weeks, students get a three to four week break. Week long breaks are also distributed randomly throughout the year, so students can have a little time off while they are in the middle of their learning. This break system is better than the one used for regular school because these breaks spread throughout the year are a good way to give students some resting time, and a good way to break up the load of learning for the students. Another reason to support year-round school is that students will enjoy being under less pressure than they are in regular school. This way, the students are not always learning and stressing their brains. Some students often burn out when they are in school, as a result of pressure and stress. Being under stress can even make some students physically ill. Year-round school helps avoid this. If students are not always in school, then they will not become as mentally drained. They also won’t become as stressed, because the breaks will help take their minds off of school, the work and the pressure that is put on them. Students won’t be given so much information at once with year-round school, and they will be able to digest what they have learned better over the breaks that they are given. Furthermore, year-round school students are in school for the same amount of time as students that attend regular school. Both schools must be present for 180 days. If year-round schools are in session for 180 days, but they still go year-round, there is more time for breaks for the students. Obviously, students will enjoy all of these extra breaks that year-round schools include in their calendar. Students’ summers will also improve in a year-round school system.
First of all, people might assume that since the summer vacation is shorter, it cannot possibly be better than the summer vacation that they already have. However, there are multiple reasons why year-long school summer vacations are better than regular vacations. First off, students do not get as bored over the summer of year-round school. Speaking from personal experience, regular summer vacation can almost seem too long. When it gets close to the month of August, summer seems like it has drug on forever. Students start to get bored of summer, and they want the interaction with their peers, that they cannot always get over summer. They want to see their friends again, especially the ones that they did not get to see over the summer. With year-round school, this happens less. The summers are shorter, but it allows students to see their friends sooner. It also gives a faster relief of the boredom that many kids suffer after the long months of doing almost nothing at home. Another benefit provided by year-round school is that students do not forget all of their material over summer vacation. Again, summer is long, and students forget almost everything they learned the past year over the vacation. With a shorter summer, like the one provided by year-round school, students will be likely to forget less of the material they learned over the course of the school year. If students forget less of the material that they learned, then they can start at a more advanced spot when they return. If students start more advanced, they will ultimately be able to learn more throughout the course of the year, which further benefits their education. Overall, even summers can be improved by changing to a year-round school
system. Overall, year-round school is clearly a better alternative to regular school in many aspects. You might still think that year-round school is crazy, and no one should ever want to change. However, year-round school can provide many benefits that you would never be able to get attending year-round school. The benefits include more breaks and less information lost over the summer. Clearly, year-round school is the way to go.