Prarthana Minasandram
Partner: Ben Liu
Purpose: To examine the rate of alcoholic fermentation using various carbohydrates.
Hypothesis: If the yeast is placed in 5% glucose or sucrose solutions, then carbon dioxide production will increase over time. If boiled yeast is placed in a 5% sucrose solution, then carbon dioxide production will remain constant.
Independent variable: Carbohydrate solutions (5% solutions of glucose and sucrose) and boiled yeast
Dependent variable: Rate of reaction of alcoholic fermentation as calculated by size of CO2 bubble (measuring the top of the bubble to the bottom with a ruler)
Control Group: Yeast suspension with only distilled H2O (because it lacks …show more content…
From the results of the experiment, can you conclude that sugars are necessary for fermentation? What evidence led you to this conclusion? Treatment D was the control group, as it had only distilled water and no sugar solution. It was expected that there would be no CO2 production because there is no substrate to react with the yeast. The blue line in Figures 1 and 2 indicates that, for the most part, there was no increase in CO2 production. The slight increase at the beginning could be due to random error. In Treatments A and B when there was live yeast and sugar solutions, the rate of CO2 production increased over time. Perhaps this indicates that sugars are necessary for …show more content…
When high energy molecules are broken down back to low energy molecules, heat is always released. For example, burning paper releases energy stored in the paper’s glucose molecules as they break down by combustion into carbon dioxide and water. When high energy molecules are broken down by the cells, part of the energy released is conserved as ATP. In terms of work, why is heat energy inadequate for the cell to use? Cellular processes are often aided by enzymes that reduce activation energy and speed up reactions. All enzymes have optimal temperatures that they function best at. At temperatures far above this optimal limit, enzymes become denatured and effectively "die". Cells cannot store large amounts of heat energy because this energy will denature enzymes and render essential molecules