Starting with the Chinese myth, everything began with an egg, the yin and yang cosmic egg. The first human was P'an Ku was born from an egg, he out grew the egg and burst out freedom and the moment he did he began to make changes. He was aided by the four creatures the unicorn, the dragon, the phoenix and the tortoise each was engaged in his labor and helped him grew. He was growing really big and fast. As he grew he was separating the heaven and the earth because they were one. After he reached his goal in separating the myth is that he died and became the earth. Each body part was part of the world. His hair are tree branches, his muscles are mountains and valleys, his eyes the moon and the sun. Finally, the fleas on his back is the humans race.
The Yoruban Creation myth
In the beginning there was only sky above and water below, with no dry land or earth. Olorun ruled the sky above and Olokun master of all that was in the waters below. Obatala was one of the gods who decided to create dry land he took advise from the highest ruler, Olorun, and take what he needed and go on adventure on finding a way to make dry land. The second he made it very low he used his …show more content…
tools to create dry land and called it Lfe and settle there for years. After a while Obatala got bored and started shaping figures with clays. He makes each one of them different and unique. He then asked Olorun to breathe life into the clays, once they were alive they began to work and build things. Olokun who was unaware of all the changes that has happened and did not approve it, he got angry and destroyed everything Obatala had worked on and make it.
Both of these myths are very different but yet similar.
The Chinese had one guy who was determined to make the earth and grew very big and he became the earth himself. The Chinese myth begin with an egg and one guy. While the African started with many gods. The similarities in both myth is that there was one guy who felt like they have a quest to conquer something bigger and different than before, both of the myth already begin with the heaven being there with a god in charge. Both of the myth are about the beginning of times how human race started and where we came from, both had help from wiser one and helped succeed at their journey. I honestly feel like both of the creation left me with many unanswered