Imagine being abused, hit, yelled at, and left alone without the most important feeling of love. Growing up without a shoulder to cry on or a hand to hold. How would these actions sculpt you as an individual? Would they compel you to do the same actions to your own loved ones, or show them love and compassion, which your life had lacked? Poets tend to write pieces of literature as reflections back on their personal lives, describing situations that stay afloat in their heads. Sharon Olds’ happened to be one of these poets, who expressed her upsetting past relationship with her father and current relationships with her children through these works of art. In Olds’ first poems, she…
2 The note goes on to state an apology to her parents. She felt as if she was disappointing them, by not working hard enough, and also "not good enough to please her parents" (7-9). Everything she had done seemed to be the best she could do, but to her parents, it wasn't good enough. She begins to fantasize about what it would be like if she were a son, "shoulders broad as the sunset threading through the pine" (10-11). Would she have gotten more attention? Would she then be praised for the jobs she has accomplished? Would it be good enough for her parents? Since she was a girl, her parents expected less from her. She tried to stand up and take charge, by doing chores and tasks that a boy would be required to do. Had she been a boy, her life would be a lot easier, and she would have gained more respect from her parents. She admits that "tasks did not come easy to her" (24). "Each failure, a glacier" (25). The glacier…
The entire poem is written with a tone of sadness or depression. This evokes the senses of the reader by being able to sense how the girl is feeling and see how the words of others affect her. It can be pictured, this little girl who plays with the Barbie doll and it is just a toy, but to others it is the appearance that society wants and she soon realizes that when a fellow classmate hurts her with mean words. She can not go on with the fear that everyone sees her as imperfect or flawed, so in the end she gives up on trying and eventually gives up on herself. A simile in the poem, “Her good nature wore out/like a fan belt,” the message here is that she has given up on everything.…
At the end of the story, the daughter realizes that her and her father, even though they seemingly are nothing alike, they have a lot in common. She decided one day to oblige him and go watch him do what he loved and shoot cannons. While she was there, although totally not interested in the gunman work present, she learned to accept her dad's love for guns. Once she was able to accept this idea, her eyes were open. She realized that in all actuality, her and her father were just alike. They were both artistic. Her, in the arts of nature and the world and her father was artistic in his craftsmanship. This realization helped the girl to accept her father and realize that their seemingly differences were truly similar even if she might not have originally realized…
First of all it is clear that the mother and daughters relationship is a little unstable. It is clear that the two did not always see things the same way in the line “they clawed their womanhoods out of each other” (line 3). The poem also suggests that…
Then she then realized those worldly possessions did not belong to her. Those prized items were provided to her by God therefore they belonged to him. “It was his own, it was not mine,” (17) this lets you know that her helped her understand that the material items she held so dearly indeed did not belong to her; But to God. The real moral of this poem is that Anne wanted to advise her readers not place worldly items above God, And to still have faith in him even during the toughest times in your life.…
. In the poem it says “Children sold away from me.” In the poem, it is talking about her children being sold and causing her family to be split apart.…
Mr. Baumer was a store owner Slade like to drink alcohol Slade did not like to pay his bills…
mother happy.Ashes took the money because her dad is in debt,her dad makes her feel…
The death of her father in a sense to her was abandonment, because he dies leaving her to fend for herself. She was left in a world that she really didn’t fully understand. He kept her sheltered from everyone. When he died, she didn’t want to accept the fact that he was dead. It took the townspeople three days to convince to give up his body. They felt very sorry for her. But did nothing to consoled her. They were glad because now she would know like other people, what it felt like to count pennies.…
Most try to find acceptance within their relationships with people. No father and daughter relationship is the same, as depicted in this poem. The poem describes a very strained and dysfunctional relationship. However, a special connection lies underneath between the father and daughter that cannot be put aside. The speaker describes a sense of not feeling accepted by her father and never “fitting in” his life. This causes her to never feel that she belongs and instead “always reaching” (30) or looking for something. Searching for a place where she will be accepted, a place where she will “fit into the arms of anyone” (29). Society has put an expectation on her to find a place where she is just another person with no special identify, with no…
Throughout the story the mother and the father are in conflict, even opposes, the most significant is the way they raises there kids. The mother believe her children her should be brought up the same way she was, following the same tradition he had, living a similar life she did and would not be satisfied otherwise. She sees the fathers love for literature has a huge waste of time and becomes extremely angry at her children for following in their fathers foot stapes. ““Take your nose out of that trash and come do your work,” she would say, and once I saw her slap my youngest sister so hard that the print of her hand was scarletly emblazoned upon her daughter’s cheek while the broken-spined paperback…
The subject of this poem is a conversation between a man and a girl. The man plays the role of person asking questions to a girl, who serves as a maid in a cottage, about her family. The “little maid” tells him about her siblings. The poem begins with the introduction of that little girl and the question that what a child can know about death.…
“My dad had limitations. That's what my good-hearted mom always told us. He had limitations, but he meant no harm. It was kind of her to say, but he did do harm” (Gillian Flynn, Gone Girl). The relationship between parents and their young one is very fragile because one wrong decision and the child's perspective of their guardian could change their childhood . The poem “First Memory” by Louise Gluck displays the lack of love the speakers father fails to provide for his child . The writer uses comprehensive words that directly emphasizes how the narrator’s first memory was not one of their best memories. This gives the readers an opportunity to understand the relationship between the spokesperson and their father. The theme of the poem exemplifies powerlessness due to the speaker not being able to control their childhood. With the little information the writer gives, the narrator is searching for respect and love from their father, but instead they grew up with their first memory of pain. Even though the speaker feels as if their father did not love them, the spokesperson knew the heartache they felt was allowing themselves to love their father. Furthermore helping the narrator realize without pain there would be no love.…
I am going to explain to you the poem “Fear” by Gabriela Mistral. Her poem is about her fear of society changing the ways of her daughter, turning her into an independent adult. She fears that her daughter will change from the innocent young girl that she is, into a not so innocent, careless adult who doesn’t need her mother’s love. As the speaker’s daughter grows up she wants her to stay the same, always be good and careful in life, staying by her mother’s side. Each stanza represents a different time period in the daughters life starting with infancy and ending with adult. Throughout the poem she is referring to society as “them.”…