Recently, new speculation has shown that mother earth may in fact not be 4.5 billion years old, as has been taught in schools for many generations. However, young earth creationist believe that the world is only approximately six thousand years old. According to the Christian Bible, if we were to follow the chronology of many of its books including Genesis, Exodus, Galatians and 1 Kings, we would gather a general timeline of when God created the universe and the Earth. No where in the Bible does anyone give an exact date; however, we can get a very close estimate and rough explanation why the earth is not 4.5 billion years old. According to evidence, it is physically impossible. Measurements taken over the past …show more content…
several hundred years, of the diameter of the sun, show that it is decreasing at a rate of five feet per hour. If this measurement is indeed accurate, this would prove that approximately one million years ago, the sun would have been so big, and so hot, that no form of life on earth could have possibly existed. Not even bacteria would have survived. If we expand a little further, specifically 11.2 million years, the earth would have physically touched the earth. So how is it possible for the sun to have been in existence well over 4.5 million years ago? (Gentry pp. 315-318). Another key factor in the age of the earth lies within our oceans; more specifically the saltiness of them. River water entering the oceans bring in minerals, but the evaporation of the water from the ocean leaves these minerals behind. Measuring just the sodium content of the ocean, using numerous methods for input and output of water and sodium, and assuming we started with pure water (a huge assumption) the amount of salt currently found in the ocean generates a maximum age of 62 million years -- far less than the 4.5 billion years currently favored. (Austin pp. 17-31). Before 1969, when man first landed on the moon, there was debate whether or not the astronauts would sink in the collected dust and space debris on the immense surface of the moon. Space if full of dust and debris, which falls on the moon and planets as we travel through space. If the earth and moon were billions of years old, studies have shown that a calculated rate at which the debris would fall through time and speed, we should expect to see dust collection of over 150 feet on the moons’ surface. Nevertheless, when we landed on the moon, photographs, along with the astronauts scientific findings, only display about one inch in depth. So where is the other one-hundred forty-nine feet and eleven inches of dust? (Maybeck p. 215). The rotation of the earth is gradually slowing down at about .00002 seconds (approximately 2 thousandths of a nanosecond) a year. In turn, the lost energy from the earth is transferred to the moon. The moon, therefore, is slowly moving away from the earth at about 4 centimeters a year. Based on the mathematical numbers, that would mean approximately 2 billion years ago, the moon would have come in contact with the earth. This would disprove that theory because, if the moon were closer than about 11,500 miles, the moon would be broken into thousands of tiny pieces, much like the rings of Saturn. Many anthropologists who study evolution say the era of the Stone Age lasted nearly 100,000 years, during which time the population of Neanderthal and Cro-Magnon men was roughly persistent, between one and ten million. With every death, they would bury the body with what are now called artifacts. By this scenario, there should have been at least four billion bodies buried. If the evolutionary time scale is correct, then the bones of the buried bodies should last well over 100,000 years, along with the ancient artifacts, depending on the material compounds they were comprised of. According to this theory, then the skeletons of the Stone Age should still remain mostly intact to this day. However, only a few thousand skeletons have been found. This would imply that the Stone Age was much shorter than evolutionist think, a few hundred years in many cases. So where are the remaining millions if not billions of other bones that should have been discovered? (Dritt pp. 73-78). Every year rivers, streams, and other sources dump over 450 millions tons of sodium into the oceans of the earth.
Only 27 percent of the sodium actually gets back out of the sea each year. As far as any scientific research shows, the remaining sodium accumulates in the ocean. Assuming that the ocean started with a very minimal, if any, amount of sodium deposits in the oceans, at today’s input and output rates, it would have taken less than 42 million years to accumulate its present amount. If we were to look at the evolutionary timeline of the oceans, which is only around three million years to start with, far less than 42 million years it would have taken to deposit the current amount of sodium into the sea; the usual reply to this discrepancy is that past sodium inputs were much less than the outputs back out of the ocean. Calculations, even though they are as generous as the evolutionary theory will allow, still only give a maximum age of 62 millions years. So hypothetically speaking, even if the current sodium amounts in the ocean were deposited within 62 million years, that is far less than 4.5 billion years. During the evolution of the earth, what happened to the sodium content the other millions, possibly billions, of years? Were there no oceans in the beginning of …show more content…
Calculations for many other sea water elements give even younger ages for the ocean. (Sayles p. 767). According to the evolutionary theory, comets in our solar system are supposed to be the same age as the solar system, approximately 5 billion years old.
However, each time a comet passes by the sun through its orbit pattern, it loses so much of its material compound that it could not last longer than roughly one-hundred thousand years. Due to research, scientist have given comets an average age of ten-thousand years before they disintegrate. Scientist explain this theory by examining where comets actually come from. Comets originate in an unobserved spherical “Oort Cloud” well beyond the orbit of Pluto. There gravitational interactions with passing stars often knock comets into our solar system. When the comet passes by either planets, or the sun, the gravitational pull often breaks up the comet. According to history and past records as far back as 4004 B.C.E, there have only been a couple hundred comets observed. The “Kuiper Belt” is a disc of supposed comet sources lying just outside the orbit of Pluto; however it hasn’t had enough ice, or any possible “Oort Cloud” to supply it with for many years. Scientist believe the comets in our solar system are the last of any comets we will ever see again, according to this discrepancy in the solar system. Due to this scientific knowledge, the earth has only seen a few hundred comets with an average life of ten-thousand years This does not even come close to 4.5 billion years. (Steidl pp.
73-106). Every year, water, wind and other elements slowly erode approximately twenty-five billion tons of dirt and rock from the earths continent, and deposits it into the ocean. This material accumulates as loose sediment, commonly known as mud, on the rock of the ocean floor. The average depth of the sediment on the sea floor is nearly 400 meters. Currently, the only known way to remove mud from the sea floor is through a process tectonic subduction. Slowly, a few centimeters a year, the sea floor slides beneath the continents taking some sediment with it. Accordingly, this process only removes about one billion tons per year. At this rate, erosion would deposit the present amount in less than 12 million years. According to evolutionary theory, erosion and plate subduction has been going on as long as the oceans have existed on this planet, a supposed three million years. That being said, the rates above simply imply that the oceans would be massively over run with mud dozens of kilometers deep. An alternative creationist explanation is that erosion from the waters of the Genesis Flood running off the continents deposited the present amount of mud within a short time about 5000 years ago. Are you starting to get the picture? (Hay pp. 14,933-14,940). In conclusion, much more young earth creation evidence exists, but these topics of discussion have been chosen for brevity and simplicity. Basic understanding of science can show us that there is the evidence of a young earth, much younger than some believe it to be. Even if you’re a skeptic, and don’t want to allow yourself to believe that the earth could have been created less than billions of years ago, you should refer back to science. Scientist have much more collegiate knowledge than the average person. A scientist can have his or her own opinions and beliefs, however, research is based of the facts and evidence. Much more detail is given in the chronological biblical timeline, unfortunately, some may or may not believe in, or even agree with the word of the Bible. After presenting this information, it is obvious the earth is not 4.5 billion years old. Does anyone have an exact date that earth was created? No, but with references in the Bible, one can roughly estimate 6,500 years. Referencing history and science, one can roughly estimate anywhere from thousands to possible millions, not billions.
Works Cited:
For a full Chronological Biblical timeline visit:
-Gentry, R.V. et. al., 'Radiohalos in coalified wood: new evidence relating to time of uranium introduction and coalification ', Science 194 (15 October 1976) pp. 315-318.
-Austin, S.A. and Humphreys, D.R., 'The sea 's missing salt: a dilemma for evolutionists ', Proc. 2nd Internat. Conf. on Creationism, Vol. II, Creation Science Fellowship (1990) pp. 17-31. Address in ref. 12.
-Maybeck, M., 'Concentrations des eaux fluviales en elements majeurs et apports en solution aux oceans ', Rev. de Geol. Dyn. Geogr. Phys. 21 (1979), p. 215.
-Gentry, R.V., 'Radiohalos in a Radiochronological and cosmological perspective ', Science 184 (5 April 1974), pp. 62-66.
-Dritt, J.O., 'Man 's earliest beginnings: discrepancies in the evolutionary timetable ', Proc. 2nd Internat. Conf. on Creationism, Vol. I., Creation Science Fellowship (1990), pp. 73-78, address in ref. 12
-Sayles, F.L. and Mangelsdorf, P.C., 'Cation-exchange characteristics of Amazon River suspended sediment and its reaction with seawater ', Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 41 (1979), p. 767.
-Steidl, P.F., 'Planets, comets, and asteroids ', Design and Origins in Astronomy, G. Mulfinger, ed., Creation Research Society Books (1983), 5093 Williamsport Drive, Norcross, GA 30092, pp. 73-106.
-Hay, W.W., et al, 'Mass/age distribution and composition of sediments on the ocean floor and the global rate of subduction ', Journal of Geophysical Research, 93, No. B12 (10 December 1988), pp. 14,933-14,940.