Even if transgender people were hired, the employment relationship is short-lived as they often faced with the hostile work environment. The court case Glenn v Brumby clearly illustrates the workplace discrimination against the transgender individuals. Glenn, the plaintiff was hired as an editor in October 2005. About a year later, Glenn informs her supervisor regarding her transition to a female, furthermore, Glenn came to work dressing up as a female during Halloween. Her employer Brumby sent her home for her inappropriate appearance, that is a man dressing up as a woman.…
Path of position (possession): Individuals lacks choice, not responsible for actions. The solution to this possession is exorcism…
During his experience in the forest, Goodman Brown begins to understand fully that his community is full of hypocrisy, which leads him to being distrustful to those around him. This is because his search for spiritual enlightenment leads him to lose his faith in God. What’s more, his nighttime journey forces him to question the devil’s existence in the darkness that he finds himself. In addition, he begins to understand that people use religion to hide their evil deeds. Such is the case he associates with his father and grandfather violent atrocities disguised as their moral obligations (388). In fact the scene leaves the reader with questions about the reality Goodman Brown faces as he witnesses a witch, the devil worshippers around the alter and a spooky dark cloud. However, the occurrence the devil shows him becomes the important message and the source of Goodman’s misgivings (Bloom, 42).…
Analysis: For years Tom Walker deceived countless distressed and innocent people for their money. However, after many years Tom Walker becomes guilty and paranoid of the potential consequences for his acquisitive nature. Tom attempts to compensate for actions by regularly attending church and religiously carrying a bible out of all times out of paranoia. Despite his efforts to slightly better is depravities, Tom Walker is still overtaken by fear and ultimately seized by the devil never to return…
When taking a look at America’s short but significant history, we find that this nation was partly founded through religious ideals. Since its beginning, religion has helped to define the American Identity into what it is today. And this was explored throughout American literature especially in the Hawthorne’s The Minister’s Black Veil and Young Goodman Brown.…
Hawthorne’s “Young Goodman Brown” uses symbolism and allegory to show that people inevitably surrender to the darkness inside of them even if their initial intentions are pure. Hawthorne describes Goodman Brown as a religious man who is drawn towards sin and darkness soon after his marriage. Goodman Brown enters the forest that signifies sin, but resists temptations to join the devil until he finally loses his faith and gives in to evil. Symbolism and allegory are used in the story to help the reader learn about how Brown loses faith in his Puritan society and distrusts the innocence of society.…
Tom becomes a merciless moneylender and got the money he wanted, but he started having regrets and repents for his sin. Towards the end of the story Tom creates false displays of Christianity while committing immoral deeds. So one day Tom loses his temper and says, “Devil take me if I have made a farthing.” Shortly after he said that a black horse shows up at his house and takes him away and Tom was never seen again. As Christians when we do something that is a sin we go to confession so we can be forgiven, but Tom did not do that and thought he would be fine by carrying a small bible around in his pocket or having a huge bible on his desk. Tom would act like he was a Christian on the outside, but deep down in his soul he would do anything for money. Both Tom and the devil got what they wanted but Tom regretted bargaining with the devil, and the devil got what he wanted, which was Tom’s soul. When the black horse showed up Tom did not have his small bible in his pocket because he left it in his coat pocket so Tom was helpless to prevent the devil from placing him on the…
Goodman Brown is a faithful Christian until he begins to go on a journey to find his spiritual path. We are lead to believe that he arranges a meeting with the devil, by the devil later stating that Goodman is late. His wife, Faith, also a metaphor for his relationship with God test him and keeps him back from his journey for a small time.…
When goodman Brown meets the second traveler, who represents Satan, he recognizes a resemblance of himself in this man, although he realizes it is perhaps more of an expression than physical…
The question of evil is a common hot button topic among atheists and non-Christians who attempt to disprove Christianity. They argue that an omnipotent and omniscient God cannot exist in a world with so much evil. The argument is used by them to try to prove that Christianity is “internally self-contradictory and thereby to be rejected.” Many claim that a benevolent and caring God would certainly not create evil or allow it to flourish in the world that He created. So, the problem of evil is how to explain that there can be a perfect, all-powerful, and all-loving God that exists in a world with so much moral and natural evil.…
In the story, “Young Goodman Brown”, its characters end up going to the dark path even if they were good people. The characters get tempted to keep going with the devil when they sin and can’t seem to go back, some though, try to resist temptation from the devil like Goodman Brown. As he goes deeper into the dark path he always looks back and tries to resist. Throughout Hawthorne’s story it is shown that when people the temptation to go down the dark path, even when resisting, they keep going down that path and cannot turn back. This symbolically demonstrates that the devil will always get his way.…
First of all, Hawthorne uses supernatural events to make the rest of Goodman Brown’s life gloomy. For example, Brown encounters a “black cloud mass” from which the “accents of the townspeople…, men and women, both pious and ungodly…”(56) were emanating. The voices of the townspeople coming from such an evil place lead Brown to believe all of the people he knows are evil. The people he knows well and interacts with on a daily basis are all living an evil lie. Brown’s life becomes gloomy because he can no longer live happily with the people he knows, and he can never trust them as friends or good Christians again. Furthermore, Faith’s pink ribbons “flutter[ing] lightly down through the air”(56) and landing on a branch further move Brown toward a gloomy life. The ribbons belong to his wife, whom he loves and trusts. After the ribbons fall Brown believes Faith is part of the evil of the Devil as well, and he cannot live a happy life with this horrible knowledge. His life becomes gloomy after this event…
Nathaniel Hawthorne writes, “‘Faith!’ shouted Goodman Brown, in a voice of agony and desperation; and the echoes of the forest mocked him, crying, ‘Faith! Faith!’ as if bewildered wretches were seeking her all through the wilderness” ( 5 ). The author uses repetition in this sentence by repeating the name Faith. He is doing this to show the effect that the desire for truth can have on oneself. Goodman Brown is crying out for his loved one because if he loses Faith then he will lose it all. The author uses repetition to show the deeper meaning of Faith. When the author refers to madness in this story he says, “‘My Faith is gone!’ cried he, after one stupefied moment. ‘There is no good on earth; and sin is but a name. Come, devil! for to thee is this world given’” ( 6 ). The author is using metaphor in this passage. He is using Goodman Brown’s lover Faith to represent his faith in good and evil. He shows true insanity here because he shows Goodman Brown losing his Faith. This adds to the story as a whole because it lets you see the deeper meaning in this story, which is that Goodman Brown lost his Faith from losing himself, in the lies that his life was built…
him and do the work of true religious belief for the whole family was a…
St. Augustine of Hippo was an influential philosopher during the Late Roman Empire, and gave a very compelling explanation for the existence of evil. Before Augustine’s explanation, Christians would have to accept that God created evil, meaning God is partially evil. Due to Augustine’s belief that evil does not have substance, which I will defend, it gave Christians piece of mind knowing that God is truly good. Anything created by God is susceptible to corruption, all of his creations are good, but not as good as him, due to our human nature we can choose ourselves to have a good or bad will, nothing evil exists in itself, only evil aspects of God’s creation; therefore, evil is the privation of good.…