What are gangs?
Gangs are a group of organized criminals with more than 4 people involved.
I believe youth violence/ gangs has been an up-rising problem for the last 10 years. In 2001 there were only 88,984 first time offenders introduced into the youth justice system, by 2007 this increased by a staggering 21,842, but by 2012 it dropped by 62%. Goldson, B and Muncie, J (2015) youth crime & justice (pg. 76)
Over the years there has been an up-rise in youth gangs and violence, such as gang related youth on youth murders where knifes and other weapons have been used. Homicide is one of the leading causes of deaths in those aged 10-25. “Worldwide some 200 000 homicides occur among youth 10–29 years of age each year, which …show more content…
I believe that the reason youth gangs and violence is increasing is because there isn’t enough programmes and youth clubs in place for the younger generation. So many young people use youth clubs for an escape from problems occurring at home, such as violent parents and drug use within the home.
I feel that cutting funding for these programmes destroys hope that the lower class youths have of having a
Hirshci & Gottfredson- A general theory of crime (1990)
According to Gottfredson and Hirschi, low self-control is evident in early childhood through specific personality characteristics, such as an inability to postpone gratification, a low tolerance for frustration, and a tendency to engage in high levels of risk-taking behaviour. Self-control develops through parental emotional investment in the child, monitoring the child’s behaviour, recognizing deviance when it occurs, and punishing the child. Parental emotional investment is necessary to activate the three forms of parental management (Gottfredson and Hirschi 1990: