By July 6, however, Taylor's family became concerned as his health deteriorated. They summoned his physician, who diagnosed Taylor's ailment as cholera morbus, a term used in the nineteenth century for various intestinal afflictions. Taylor's condition continued to worsen, and he ate ice chips to keep himself hydrated until his body began to reject all fluids. The President realized he would not survive long, summoned his wife, and spoke his last words: “The storm, in passing, has swept away the trunk . . . I am about to die-I expect the summons soon-I have endeavored to discharge all my official duties faithfully-I regret nothing, but am sorry that I am about to leave my friends.” Taylor then lost consciousness and died.
His funeral took place on July 13. Nearly 100,000 people stood along the funeral …show more content…
Only the second man to ascend to the White House after the death of a President, Fillmore immediately set to the task of settling the sectional conflicts that were enveloping the nation. During his short term, Taylor had opposed and impeded the passage of the Compromise of 1850. Fillmore, however, openly supported the measure, helping Henry Clay, Daniel Webster, and Stephen Douglas to pass the compromise in September 1850. Tayler's untimely death, while tragic, helped secure the passage of the Compromise of 1850, granting the nation a short reprieve from sectional