I/We Age years residing at do hereby solemnly swear by ALLAH that:
(a) I am/We are Muslim and follow FIQAH HANFIA/ JAFEERIA
(b) According to my/our faith and above said FIQAH I am/We not obliged to pay Zakat on the following. Type of Assets to any extent as laid down in Zakat and Usher ordinance 1981.
1) GOLD & SILVER Ornaments of Silver which are not in the form of coins.
4) BANK ACCOUNTS All types including Saving Bank, Current Deposit, Notice Deposit, Fixed Deposit, and similar account by whatever name described with the banks, postal Office, National Saving centers and Financial Institutions etc.
5) SECURITIES All types including Shares, Debentures, N.I.T. Units, ICP Mutual Funds, Defence Saving, Special Saving Certificates and account thereof Prize Bonds, Government Securities etc.,
6) FUNDS Provident Fund, Gratuity, Annuity, etc, LOANS given to other and ALL OTHER INVESTMENTS etc.
Place Deponent(s)
1) Resident of
2) Resident of solemnly declare and affirm that we know the above deponent(s) and identify him/them as the same person(s) as described above.
1) 2)
Signature Signature
The above declaration has been solemnly affirmed on oath before this by the above deponent(s) in the presence of the above witnesses and identified the above