possesses a culture created from the ten established core values and the emphasis on happiness both within and outside of the workplace. In order to achieve the goal of outstanding customer service, CEO Tony Hsieh states that the company must possess a strong, and continuously evolving, culture. Outside of the existence of the core values, Zappos promotes a culture that emphasizes autonomy, transparency, and independence of all employees. Each employee is valued as a key contributor to the success of Zappos, with knowledge that they each add to the company and the company is investing into them as well. The employees’ ability to express their personalities, and practice independent decision-making without pressure of targets, promotes happiness and growth within the workplace, therefore, resulting in better customer service. The low level of authority within the company has resulted in the development of assumptions and norms. There are no guidelines or scripts involved when communicating with customers because the process of open communication has repeatedly worked in gaining repeat customers. Therefore, this assumption remains part of the customer service process and open communication has become part of the organizations culture. In addition, the autonomy given to the employees has resulted in Tony Hsieh providing each employee with the knowledge that he trusts them and trusts the decisions they make for the overall benefit of the company. This trust allows employees to feel comfortable taking risks and not being afraid to make mistakes.
Upon his arrival, Tony Hsieh had an already established vision of what characteristics he wanted Zappos to possess. He wanted to work for a company that was fun, engaging, and he advocated for happiness within the workplace. He formulated the