Cover Letter
March 22, 2013
Dear Mr. Dorkin,
In this essay I addressed how zombie theme based media have value to them and allow us as the viewers connect to them in way we wouldn’t realize. My thesis is that Zombie media is an outlet for our subconscious and our underlying primitive intuition to be set free and explore inner outlooks and feelings unable to be expressed or satisfied in the real world. The violence in the shows brings outs areas of us as humans that we don’t normally think about but are essential to stay a sound human being. I discussed how violence can be seen as bad and good in different lights and how the medium changes so does the perspective of the viewer. The zombie violence also has a way of affect us internally, drawing out our primitive side releasing a different side of ourselves. The zombie shows also find themselves drawing on our personal lives and relating certain situations to real life where you can draw comparisons. The struggles of life can be seen in these zombie themed shows and movies and can translate into everyday life. The zombie genre, as stupid or fictional it may be, has many links to our everyday lives allowing its viewers to connect and adapt in a way other media cannot do.
From, Jeff
Jeff Forczek
Research Paper
English 201
“Infected by the Media: Our Fascination with Zombies”
Media is the connection between people, the bridge that links us all together, through whatever means that may be. Media is all around us, affecting us in different ways day in and day out. After reading Marshall McLuhan’s Medium is the Massage it is evident that media has influence in our everyday life from the second we wake up to when we go to bed. Through newspapers, and television shows, to simple text messages, information is constantly being transferred. It drives our society and is essential for our advanced network to function.