Professor Abraham Tarango
September 8, 2014
Araby and Wild Berry Blue are similar short stories yet evolve in various ways. Both narrations involve main characters agonizing with young angst over the admiration of perceived love. The two narrators see themselves as two individual adolescents pining for mysterious and alluring representations of beauty, who they feel will set them free from their suffering. This infatuation distracts them from the drudgery of daily, boring lives and it becomes all-consuming. From the narrator 's perspective, the two kids ache and yearn for an ideal.
Araby 's protagonist feels insignificant, as he is ignored in his requests to his uncle and treated as unimportant from his aunt. A hopeless desire arises in him as he glorifies his friend 's sister and it becomes his sole focus in life. His education suffers with a disinterest in class as he “...chafed against school”, and his Master hoped “...he was not beginning to idle”, as his attention span drifted from the pages he “...strove to read”.
Meanwhile, the boy was daydreaming and scheming with “...wandering thoughts...”, of how he can spy on his crush or at least be near her, while following her or intentionally crossing paths with his dream love. He was cockeyed with enchantment as her “ was like a summons to all my foolish blood” and ”even in places most hostile to romance”, he was impervious to the outside world as he felt his passions soar.
He wished to “...annihilate the tedious intervening days.”, before he could go the the fair, with “...innumerable follies”, which kept him sleepless as his mind spun with thoughts of the neighbour 's sister. He was tortured. Yet he was only torturing himself with his desires and thoughts, taking him out of the
Scott 2 present moment and into the future, where he would be presenting the glorious gift from the fair to his beloved, and she