Contemporary literature in the form of a short story consists of a plot, characters, point of view, setting, and theme (2). These elements can vary a great deal from one story to the next. An author of a short story also reveals a tone and a mood shown by his or her style of writing. Although romance literature contains the elements mentioned above, they are very different than those in short stories and are somewhat static from one tale to the next.
Romance literature is about the adventures of knights and the organization of chivalry (794). A romance does not take place in a normal setting, but in idealized worlds such as imaginary castles, gardens, or forests (794). A romance contains mysterious and supernatural events (794). Although there are many differences between contemporary and romance literature, the one difference that distinguishes them the most is the characters. A main character in contemporary literature leads a very different life than one in romance literature. Neighbor Rosicky is a short story of an old farmer, Anton Rosicky, reflecting back on his life. Early in the story, when Anton Rosicky is in the doctor's office, he learns that he has a bad heart and doesn't have much time left to live. He then returns home, plunges into a chair, and begins to sew.
While he sews, Rosicky lets his mind run back over his life. He has had many memorable experiences. Rosicky has lived in London, New York, and now in
Nebraska. Rosicky, formerly a tailor, now makes a living farming with his children. Rudolph, Rosicky's oldest son, has some trouble supporting his wife,
Polly. Rosicky makes many sacrifices to help Rudolph's marriage stay together.
He loans the family car and gives some money to Rudolph, even though Rosicky is very poor himself. Spring arrives, and his children are busy working the fields. When no one else is around, Rosicky, disregarding his doctor's orders, rakes