Prepared By: Mirasol R. Soriano
I. Objectives
At the end of the discussion, the students are expected to: 1. Read and Understand the story entitled “My parents were not there for me” by Mark in Parents – children Relationship stories. 2. Identified and described the different types about the Family. 3. Create your own quotation based on how you understand the selection.
II. Subject Matter
Parents – Child Relationship
Skills: Describing and identifying the types of Parents and child relationship.
Topic: My parents were not there for me by Mark.
Instructional Material: PowerPoint and Video Presentation.
III. Procedure A. Daily Routine 1. Prayer 2. Greetings 3. Checking of Attendance 4. Inspecting the classroom and physical condition
Teacher’s Activity | Student’s Activity | B. MotivationOkay, before we start with our new lesson, I would like to group you into two groups and we will have this mini debate.I will give you 10 minutes to discuss about our topic.Ok Class, Are you done?Ok we will start.Any Volunteer?Very well said, now let us hear from the next group. C. Presentation of the LessonAs I can see every one of you has your own perspective when it comes to love.Now let as move to our real topic which was i assume you to read the story of Mark in the internet base on the reference that I gave yesterday?Great! That would help us to have a good discussion for today.Before that, I will give you the objectives of the lesson. Who want to read?Thank you! Now, I know that all of you had already read and understand a story; i will show you a short video presentation about the story of Mark entitles my parents will not there for me. D.