Main Characters
• Nora Hemler – The protagonist of the play and the wife of Torvald Helmer. Nora initially seems like a playful, naïve child who lacks knowledge of the world outside her home and a bit of a ditz. When her husband, Torvald, calls her things like his "little squirrel," his "little lark," and, worst of all, a "featherhead," she doesn 't seem to mind. Experiences and knowledge have enabled her to see her position in her marriage with increasing clarity and finds the strength to free herself from her oppressive situation.
• Torvald Hemler – Nora’s husband. Torvald enjoys in his new position at the bank, just as he delights in his position of authority as a husband. He treats Nora like a child, or a dolled to be played with. He calls her silly names and scolds her for eating macaroons. Torvald is also overly concerned with his place and status in society; worried to save-face in every situation.
• Mrs. Linde – Nora’s childhood friend. Christine is a tough, world-wise woman. She mentors Nora out of her childish thinking and encourages her to make decisions to benefit her. She is a selfless woman who took care of her sick parent, whereas Nora left her father when he was sick.
• Nils Krogstad – Nils Krogstad, the play 's antagonist, is a lawyer who went to school with Torvald and is a worker at Torvald’s bank. He intimidates, blackmails, and threatens Nora in an effort to keep his job at the bank. Krogstad is a good example of a more realistic character; his goal isn 't evil for evil 's sake, Krogstad just wants to regain his standing in the community.
Minor Characters
• Dr. Rank – Torvald’s best friend. He is distinguished for his indifferent acceptance of his fate. Unlike Torvald and Nora, Dr. Rank admits to the diseased nature, literally, of his life.
Main Settings
The play takes place during the Victorian Era in Norway. All of the scenes in the play are located in the Hemler house. The play takes place over