Youth. It is a time, a state in life in which a person, who is not a child but still not an adult yet, is forced through many changes, physically as well as mentally. Age and responsibility are growing proportionally as well as the expectations from parents, school, friends and more. Youth is often characterized by independence, desire and by a struggle of individuality. Youth is like millions of traffic lights, switching colors in high speed and forcing you to hit the brake at a red light, when you need to stop up and think: What should I choose? Which way will I go? But the time of reflection is not very long at times as the light turns to yellow and you have to prepare yourself to press the speeder and drive when you see the green light. Youth is a journey – a journey where we are chasing green lights. But some might find it difficult to make these choices; they feel the pressure and escape from life, from reality by indulging in drugs and alcohol. This abuse is a call for help. It can be defined as an act of depression, a protest against responsibilities or a run from an old life. It could be a search for freedom, self-reflection and determination, which is the case in Anna Hope’s short story “A Gab of Sky” from 2008.
This is a story about a young girl, Ellie, who is caught in a dilemma between the expectations from others and her own desires. It’s a portrait of a girl with a drug problem and a description of how the city can affect a person, who stands alone without any support or care from other people. The narrator is third person and omniscient. The narrative technique can be described as a “streams of consciousness” which is a technique that writer and feminist Virginia Woolf use a lot in her work. This “stream” can be very confusing, because it describes the situation by every little thought of the person, who in this case is very distractive and unfocused as a result of the drugs as the story is told from Ellie’s point of view. She