This session (on 29th January, 2009) was primarily focused on understanding how motivation and self-confidence are instrumental in the acquisition and maintenance of expert performance. The session started with definition of motivation as given by Sage (1977), followed by the explanation for different types of motivation and three determinant factors of motivation. It further continued with providing an in-depth understanding of achievement motivation and competitiveness clarifying the definitions by Gill (1983) and Martens (1976), followed by clear understanding of the three main theorie, namely The Need Achievement Theory (Atkinson,1974; McLelland,1961); Attribution Theory (Weiner, 1986); and Achievement Goal Theory (Duda, 1993 & Roberts, 1993). Furthermore, value of task orientation and guidelines to build motivation were explained. Later in the lecture, definition; benefits; and theories of self-confidence were discussed, also highlighting recent research findings in, and strategies for building, self-confidence.
The session concluded with overall summarization that there are several factors that may influence the motivational state of an elite performer, and that previous research in sport psychology suggests a relationship between different types of motivation, self-confidence and achievement but no causal effect has been reliably found suggesting that future research using an integrated approach in an applied setting would be beneficial. This prompted me to dwell deeper, search and read further, the brief summary of which is presented in the following.
Much research in intrinsic and extrinsic motivation has shown that motivation can vary as a function of social and personal factors and that it can influence several types of outcomes (see Deci & Ryan, 2000; Vallerand, 1997, 2001). Vallerand and coworkers (1997, Vallerand, 2001;
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