A Literature Review on inpatient falls According to the reports published by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Injury Centre (2007), falls are the third most common cause of unintentional injury death across all age groups and the first leading cause among people 65 years and older. A hospital can be a dangerous and erratic place for inpatients because of its unfamiliar physical environment (different from their home settings) and because of changes in patients’ medical conditions as related to their physical and psychological health and sensory systems (Tzeng, H., & Yin, C. (2008). The following research articles focused on the nurses’ role in preventing and managing patient falls in hospitals.
Study 1: Barker A, Kamar J., Tyndall T. & HILL K. (2013) reducing serious fall related injuries in acute hospitals: are low-low beds a critical success factor?
Literature Search 1: Reducing serious fall related injuries in acute hospitals: are low-low beds a critical success factor?
This article is a report of a study of associations between occurrences of serious fall-related injuries and implementation of low-low beds at The Northern Hospital, Victoria, Australia. Background:
A 9-year evaluation at The Northern Hospital found an important reduction in fall-related injuries after the 6-PACK fall prevention program was implemented. Low-low beds are a key component of the 6-PACK that aims to decrease fall-related injuries.
Design: A retrospective cohort study.
Methods: Retrospective audit of The Northern Hospital inpatients admitted between 1999–2009. Changes in serious
References: Barker, Kamar, Tyndall & HILL (2013) Reducing serious fall related injuries in acute hospitals: are low-low beds a critical success factor? Journal of Advanced Nursing 69(1), 112–121. Doi: 10.1111/j.1365-2648.2012.05997.x Forrest, George P. MD, Eric Chen2, BS, Sara Huss1, MD & Andrew Giesler1, MD, PGY3 A comparison of the functional independence measure and Morse Fall Scale as tools to assess risk of fall on an Inpatient Rehabilitation. November 19, 2012. Doi: 10.1002/rnj.86 Lamis, Rebecca L. and Joan S. Kramer. Fall risk associated with inpatient medications. American Society of Health-System Pharmacists, Inc. 1079-2082/12/1101-1888$06.00 DOI 10.2146/ajhp110723