Embarrassed and angry at myself, I sat fuming in the police car for forty minutes as an officer reviewed my car and registration information. When he went to give me the ticket I opened my wallet to place my license in the holder and he saw an item that he recognized. He asked me if I knew several individuals as well as asked couple of questions concerning the item and then he thanked me for my answers and stated he would be right back. Upon returning to my car he tore my ticket up and let me go with a warning. Before walking away he stated that he was a member of Omega Psi Phi and that the person he asked me about was one of his closest friends and the vouched for me. Needless to say, that the item he recognized was my membership card for my sorority. So I hold on to the pale blue ticket because it will forever hold a spot in my
Embarrassed and angry at myself, I sat fuming in the police car for forty minutes as an officer reviewed my car and registration information. When he went to give me the ticket I opened my wallet to place my license in the holder and he saw an item that he recognized. He asked me if I knew several individuals as well as asked couple of questions concerning the item and then he thanked me for my answers and stated he would be right back. Upon returning to my car he tore my ticket up and let me go with a warning. Before walking away he stated that he was a member of Omega Psi Phi and that the person he asked me about was one of his closest friends and the vouched for me. Needless to say, that the item he recognized was my membership card for my sorority. So I hold on to the pale blue ticket because it will forever hold a spot in my