Stress has overtaken our daily lives and it seems necessary to find the peace that one needs to be able to undertake all the demands that life gives us each and every day. The way meditating works will always be a wonder to me. But it is said that it has healing powers, that it clears the mind and gets rid of all the negative energy one holds inside, bringing peace and tranquility.
The method in which the woman sits, with her legs in front of her, and arms extended out, touching her knees, indicates that she is attempting to meditate. But when I think of meditation, it is with the eyes closed. As she has them open and is staring out into the beautiful view in front of her. Lost in thought as if in a peaceful moment that no one can take away. It seems she has been sitting in the sun for a while, considering her skin color looks slightly redorange. Her hair is styled into a simple bun and has a light purple yoga top with some black bikini bottoms, an outfit chosen for her and no one else.
The beautiful view of the beach is breathtaking, the calming colors of the light blue sky, the golden brown sand, and the deep blue water. Even the dents left on the sand look decorative as if put there on purpose. The warmth feel of the sun on her skin and the sand beneath her must feel soft and smooth. I can imagine the soft sound of the wind and the melodious sound of the white foamy waves crashing against the rocks. The overall feel of being there seems even more relaxing than being in a spa.
I’ve only been to a spa once and it wouldn’t compare to such a peaceful place like this.
Usually when I think of going on a vacation, I think of who’s coming along as well, and that shouldn't be the case when wanting to relax and actually get away from things. If the point of a vacation is to get away and release stress, then why not go alone? This picture makes me realize that I always thought of a getaway vacation as a time of having fun instead of forgetting about all my worries and responsibilities. The kind of fun that I can have right where I live. For example, going to clubs, going out to beach parties, and even going to spas or resorts. There will be times where my vacation would
consist of me visiting family and friends, but when will I have time for myself? With all the responsibilities that life has given each and one of us, it seems like too much to handle. I remember when I was in middle school, one of my teachers told the class that he pitied us since it seemed that our generation had it tough and that we would have to work most of our lives to live comfortable or to be able to provide for our kids.
A huge benefit of relaxation is that it reduces stress which can help your overall health, giving you the opportunity to do more in life without having to always look at the negative aspects, this is more than a perfect reason to get away. We even have National Stress Awareness Day! When I see this picture, I see peace of mind. The woman meditating in a beautiful and peaceful beach with no one around, sends out such a strong message. To want what she has . To go out to a quiet and tranquil place. I know I am not the only one who wants to reach out and grab moments of bliss. Everyone has their own issues, worries, and daily demands. Everyone in turn deserves to have that moment of tranquility that this woman on the beach is having. This image shows that life is hard but once in awhile, you need to close your eyes and get lost somewhere, take a breather, and know that you have the time to complete these demands that are asked of you.