Read through all documents on interviewing inside “Required Readings,” plus the “30-Second Biography” in “Materials on Interviewing and the Mock Interview Essay,” before you complete this essay!
1. Save this rubric to your computer. Do not delete or alter any portion of the rubric in the process of responding to the questions. If you delete or otherwise alter the rubric in any way other than adding your responses to the questions, your score for this essay will be zero.
2. Type your answer to each question directly below the question, itself.
3. Save your completed essay again; then submit it to the Dropbox.
Presentation-of-Self (10 points): 1. Tell me you are wearing (head to toe) for your interview; including elements of your appearance related to your face and hair; shoes, whether or not you are wearing a watch/jewelry (and if so, describe it/them). (3 points) Black slacks, a white v-neck fitted shirt, a black vest, black heals, a necklace with a heart (colorful), hair in a bun, with very light make up,
2. Tell me how you are sitting in your chair, once you have seated yourself in front of the interviewer(s). (2 points) Sitting with both legs in front of me, my back to the back of the chair, my head held high and my elbows off the table.
3. Tell me, in what general direction are you looking while contemplating your answer to a tough question? (1 point) I always look at the person interviewing me or the wall behind them.
4. (a) Tell me what qualities you inject into your voice, in answering the interviewers’ questions (2 points). (b) Tell me what qualities you avoid injecting into your voice while answering the interviewers’ questions. (2 points) a- confidence, determination B- un-sureness, helplessness,
Behavioral Interview Questions: 1. Tell me about yourself. (5 points) I am a ASU full-time Sociology student. I am currently working at First Choice emergency room as a Director of Patient Accounts. I have a wonderful baby girl that is 2.
2. Tell me what you know about our organization and why you want to be a part of it. (2 points) I have seen the First Choice way when I walked into your facility about a month ago. I know that everyone is driven to give your patients a friendship not just a visit and the care and compassion that you all put into your work shows just how much you care about your patients.
3. Tell me about a time you worked with a team and how you interacted with the team. (2 points) I work in a team atmosphere every day in my current job. We have team assignments once a week and we must divide the work load among each other. I am a very good listener and I tend to take the led a lot when it comes to assigning the duties and a lot of times I end up taking on the most heavy duty parts of the work load.
4. Tell me about a time you were under a lot of pressure and felt a lot of stress. (2 points) My company was going through a merger and I was responsible for reviewing and editing all of the companies new HR polices. I was under tons amount of pressure and very close dead lines but I took my time started on the project as soon as I received it and got some input and help from a few of my co-workers and it was a great learning experience.
5. Tell me about a time you had a boss or co-worker you didn’t get along with. (3 points)
I think when I was 18 I started a job where I was managing a group of ladies that were older then I was. I had a really hard time trying to get them to respect me because of my age. I keep with it and not only showed them that I was there to manage but I was there to help there work life become better, I was there for them not the other way around and the relationship turned into one of my greatest work accomplishment. 6. Tell me about a time you had a problem to solve. (3 points) I had a group of workers that had been doing things one way for years and they all were very reluctant to change. I of course couldn’t or didn’t intend on firing them so my only other option was to win them over and as time went by, I listened to there concerns and complaints and I made they understood that we as a company has there best work interest at heart. And they came around 7. Tell me about a time when you bent the rules at your job. (2 points) I truly believe in keeping my word and following company policy. I think that if you think a rule should not be in play don’t break it, speak up, voice your concern and try to discuss it with someone that can change it. Rules are in place for a reason and although we might not always agree with them we must understand that we have a chain of commend that we must follow. 8. Do you have any questions for me? (1 point) Yes! What are some developing projects the company is working on.