Physical appearance conveys much about a candidate’s personality and professionalism, so you should dress in a manner that makes a good first impression in an interview. A good guideline is to dress conservatively. Men, for instance, should avoid casual clothes such as khakis and polo shirts. Instead—even if for what seems to be a company with a casual work …show more content…
While you may shower each day, however, special attention to your hygiene should be made on interview days. If you are male, be sure to shave and trim your sideburns and beards or mustaches. Getting a haircut—whether male or female—is a good idea on the day before an important interview. Furthermore, you want to make sure your nails are trimmed. And if you are a woman, avoid flashy nail colors; again, this might distract the interviewer. Women should also avoid excessive make-up. Rather, use make-up only to accent your natural features, avoiding too much blush or too bright a lipstick. In addition to good attire, meticulous attention to your personal hygiene will greatly improve your chances of making a good impression in a job